AT&T Telemarketing Data


The market.survey data frame has information about 1000 households (rows). The 10 variables (columns) include demographic information about the household and information specific to the households telephone service.


pick factor indicating whether the household picked AT&T as their long distance phone company. The level ATT indicates they did, while the level OCC indicates they picked another company.
income ordered factor indicating the income level of the household. Levels are: `<7.5 < 7.5-15 < 15-25 < 25-35 < 35-45 < 45-75 < >75'.
moves ordered factor indicating the number of times the household moved in the preceding 10 years. Levels are: `0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6 < 7 < >10'.
age ordered factor indicating the age level of the respondent. Levels are: `18-24 < 25-34 < 35-44 < 45-54 < 55-64 < 65+'.
education factor indicating the highest education level achieved by respondent. Levels are: <HS, HS, Voc, Coll, BA, and >BA.
employment factor indicating the type of employment of the respondent. Levels are: F, P, R, S, H, U, and D .
usage numeric vector giving the average monthly telephone usage of the household.
nonpub factor indicating whether the household had an unlisted telephone number. Levels are: Y, N, and NA .
reach.out factor indicating whether the household had participated in a special AT&T plan (before the forced choice of long-distance carrier).
card factor indicating whether the household had an AT&T calling card service (before the forced choice of long-distance carrier). Levels are: Y, N, and NA .
James W. Watson (1986) quoted in John M. Chambers, John M. and Hastie, Trevor J. (1992). Statistical Models in S. Wadsworth and Brooks, Pacific Grove, CA, pg. 49.
The data were compiled from three sources: a telephone interview survey of 1000 selected households; billing and service records for those households, and demographic data taken from a separate marketing database.
data(market.survey) <- glm(pick ~ log(usage + 2), family=binomial,
Package Sdatasets version 6.1.4-13
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