AT&T Solder Experiment


The solder data frame, a design object, contains 900 observations (rows), which are the results an experiment varying 5 factors relevant to the wave-soldering procedure for mounting components on printed circuit boards. The response variable, skips is a count of how many solder skips appeared to a visual inspection.
The solder.balance data frame, contains 720 rows representing a balanced subset of all the experimental runs. The variables (columns) are the same; it is also a design object.
The solder2 contains 750 observations which are the results of a similar experiment incorporating some of the knowledge gained in the first. The factors still have the same names and it is still a design object. These data frames contains the following columns:


Opening ordered factor indicating the amount of clearance around the mounting pad (`S < M < L').
Solder ordered factor indicating the amount of solder used (`Thin < Thick').
Mask factor indicating which of 5 types of solder mask was used. The type and thickness of the material used for the mask were varied. The levels are A1.5 , A3 , A6 , B3 , and B6 .
PadType factor indicating which of 10 mounting pads was used. The geometry and size of the mounting pad were varied. The levels are W4 , D4 , L4 , D6 , L6 , D7 , L7 , L8 , W9 , and L9 .
Panel factor indicating which of panels 1 , 2 or 3 on a board is being counted.
skips numeric vector giving the number of visible solder skips on a circuit board.
Comizzoli, R. B, Landwehr, J. M., and Sinclair, J. D. (1990) Robust Materials and Processes: Key to Reliability. AT&T Technical Journal Vol. 69, No. 6, pp. 113--128.
John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie, Statistical Models in S, Wadsworth and Brooks, Pacific Grove, CA 1992, pg. 7.
fit1 <- aov(sqrt(skips) ~ ., data=solder.balance) 
fit2 <- aov(sqrt(skips) ~ .^2, data=solder.balance) 
Package Sdatasets version 6.1.4-13
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