Sample Data Sets for Trellis Graphics


These data sets are included as part of the trellis library and are used in example functions and help files supplied with the library. They are described in more detail in Cleveland (1993). The name of each data set is the same as the name used in the reference; to find more about the barley data, for example, look under "data, barley" in the book index.


Data frame with components: yield, variety, year, and site, giving barley yields (bushels/acre) in 1931 and 1932 for 10 varieties of barley grown at 6 sites. The data sets and barley.disease are not related to data set barley.
Data frame with components: carbon and thorium giving estimated dates of coral samples using two dating methods.
Data frame with components: ozone, radiation, temperature, and wind. Measurements of daily ozone concentration (ppb), wind speed (mph), daily maximum temperature (degrees F), and solar radiation (langleys) on 111 days from May to September 1973 in New York. This data frame is similar to air (or library(data) in S), but has a different definition for ozone (air contains cube-roots of ozone).
Data frame with components time, the time in seconds for 78 subjects to recognize a pattern in a random dot stereogram, and nv.vv, a factor that tells whether visual and verbal information was given to the subject (level VV).
Data frame giving measurements on 14 cats of cp.ratio, the ratio of central to peripheral ganglion cell density, and area, the area (mm^2) of the retina.
Data frame giving organ sizes in 73 hamsters (log2 grams): lung, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, and testes.
Data frame giving incidence of melanoma (skin cancer) in cases per million population in Connecticut for 37 years from 1936-1972 and its potential relationship with sunspot numbers. Components are named year, incidence and sunspot.
Data frame giving measurements on sunlight scattering in the atmosphere. Component concentration measures particulate concentration (micro-grams/cubic meter) and babinet is the angle (degrees) at which polarization of sunlight vanishes.
Data frame describing an experiment with rubber. Components are hardness (degrees shore), tensile.strength (kg/cm^2), abrasion.loss (g/hp-hour), ts.low and ts.high are amounts the tensile strength are less than or greater than 180.
Data frame giving the heights of singers in the New York Choral Society. Components are named height (inches) and voice.part.

All of the data sets from Cleveland (1993).
Cleveland, William S. (1993). Visualizing Data. Hobart Press, Summit, New Jersey.
Package Sdatasets version 6.1.4-13
Package Index