Votes for Republican Candidate in Presidential Elections


The votes.repub and votes.year data sets contain data on voting patterns by state from 1856 to 1976. The data contain missing values (NAs) for years prior to statehood.


votes.repub percent of votes given to the republican candidate in U.S. presidential elections from 1856 to 1976. Rows represent the 50 states (see the state data) and columns represent 31 elections.
votes.year year of each election, corresponding to the columns of votes.repub.
Peterson, S. (1973). A Statistical History of the American Presidential Elections. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. Republished by permission.
The data from 1964 to 1976 is from Scammon, R.M. American Votes 12, Congressional Quarterly. Republished by permission of Richard M. Scammon, Editor, Elections Research Center.
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