Assign a Name to an Object


Assigns a value to a name using an operator.


expression <- value
expression = value
value -> expression
expression <<- value


value the value to be assigned to the output from expression. The value argument itself can be an expression.
expression a language expression. If expression is a name or character string, the assignment operator in any of its forms causes value to be saved under that name. The arrow in the assignment operator always points toward the name. The expression argument can also specify a subset, an element, or an attribute of an object, or any combination of such expressions. Expressions of this form are called replacements to distinguish them from simple assignments. Examples include:
  • x[-1] <- 0
  • length(mystuff) <- n
  • z$b <- 3
  • attr(obj,"myattr")[[1]] <- new.value


All three of these are equivalent semantically.
Assignment Locations. Legal Names. A legal name can be any combination of alphanumeric characters (not beginning with a number), an underscore (_), and periods; although there are a few reserved names: break, for, if, next, repeat, and while. Non-legal names are allowed if they are quoted. Names can be any length. To avoid confusion, you should create legal names that are not built-in function names. (The most common function names users choose accidentally are c and t.)
The names of operators, including user-written operators, are formulated as "% operatorname %". See the examples below for an illustration of a user-defined operator.
Occasionally, you might try something like the following: However, this form does not work. Instead, use the following form: The global environment contains an object called .Last.value, which contains the last object that was not assigned. To keep the results of a command you just executed, you can use .Last.value.
the value of the assignment is the value argument. This is also true for replacements: the value of a replacement is the substituted values, not the whole object in which the replacement occurs.
Side Effects
The expression object is given the value of the value object.
In addition to object assignments, the equals sign = is used for argument assignments within a function definition. Because of this, there are some ambiguities you must be aware of when using the equals sign as an assignment operator. For example, the command print(x <- myfunc(y)) assigns the value from myfunc(y) to the object x, and then prints x. Conversely, the command print(x = myfunc(y)) simply prints the value of myfunc(y) and does not perform an assignment. This is because the print function has an argument named x, and an argument assignment takes precedence over object assignment with the equals sign.
Because of these ambiguities, the use of the equals sign for left assignment is discouraged.
See Also
assign, remove, rm, get, exists, attach, detach, search
# 100 uniforms saved as x.
# The square root of the sample saved as y
y <- sqrt(x<-runif(100))

# y is local to the function, but is assigned to # the global enviroment. "fooxy" <- function(x) { y <- x + 3 <<- c(x, y) y }

# Create an operator named "gauss". "%gauss%" <- function(x, y) exp(-x^2/y)

# Save results using .Last.value. my.x <- runif(20) my.y <- rnorm(20, 4*my.x, .5) lsfit(my.x, my.y) my.xyreg <- .Last.value

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