The Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R engine
Package description
!Logical Operators
!=Comparison Operators
$Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
$.DLLInfoGet DLLs Loaded in Current Session
$.package_versionNumeric Versions
$<-Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
%%Arithmetic Operators
%*%Matrix Multiplication
%/%Arithmetic Operators
%c%Matrix Cross Product
%o%Generalized Outer Products
%x%Generalized Kronecker Products
&Logical Operators
(The Structure of Expressions
*.difftimeOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
+Arithmetic Operators
+.DateOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
+.POSIXtOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
-.DateOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
-.POSIXtOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
->Assign a Name to an Object
...eltManipulate Ellipsis Arguments
...lengthManipulate Ellipsis Arguments
...namesManipulate Ellipsis Arguments
.bincodeCreate Factor Object from Numeric Vector
.CCall a Fortran or C Routine
.CallManipulate R objects from C code
.class2Class Attribute of an Object
.colColumn and Row Identification in a Matrix
.colMeansRow and Column Summaries
.colSumsRow and Column Summaries
.decode_numeric_versionNumeric Versions
.DefunctMark Functions as Deprecated, Defunct, or Not Yet Implemented
.deparseOptsParse the Option Value into Integer Form
.DeprecatedMark Functions as Deprecated, Defunct, or Not Yet Implemented
.difftimeTime Intervals
.doTraceTracing and Debugging of Calls to Functions
.dynLibsLoading DLLs from Packages
.encode_numeric_versionNumeric Versions
.expand_R_libs_env_varFormat Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R version and system information
.ExternalManipulate R objects from C code
.External2Manipulate R objects from C code
.find.packageFind Packages
.FirstCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
.FortranCall a Fortran or C Routine
.getNamespaceGet Namespace Environment Information
.GlobalEnvEnvironment Access
.handleSimpleErrorCondition Handling and Recovery
.kappa_triCompute the Exact or Estimated Condition Number
.Last.valueValue of Last Evaluated Expression
.leap.secondsDate-Time Classes
.libPathsSearch Paths for Packages
.LibrarySearch Paths for Packages
.Library.siteSearch Paths for Packages
.MachineMachine Arithmetic Constants
.make_numeric_versionNumeric Versions
.makeMessageDiagnostic Messages
.mapplyApply a Function to Multiple List or Vector Arguments
.NotYetImplementedMark Functions as Deprecated, Defunct, or Not Yet Implemented
.onAttachLoad and List Packages
.onLoadLoad and List Packages
.onUnloadLoad and List Packages
.packagesList names of loaded or installed packages
.packageStartupMessageDiagnostic Messages
.path.packageFind Packages
.PlatformPlatform Specific Variables
.POSIXctDate-Time Classes
.POSIXltDate-Time Classes
.Random.seedControl Random Number Generator
.rowColumn and Row Identification in a Matrix
.rowMeansRow and Column Summaries
.rowSumsRow and Column Summaries
.signalSimpleWarningCondition Handling and Recovery
.TERRDataCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
.TERRenvironCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
.TERRprofileCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
.userHooksEnvFunctions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
/.difftimeOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
:Generate a Sequence
<Comparison Operators
<-Assign a Name to an Object
<<-Assign a Name to an Object
<=Comparison Operators
=Assign a Name to an Object
==Comparison Operators
@Extract Slot from an S4 Object
[Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.data.frameExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.DateDate Class
[.difftimeTime Intervals
[.factorExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.hexmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
[.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
[.octmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
[.POSIXctDate-Time Classes
[.POSIXltDate-Time Classes
[.tableCreate a Contingency Table from Factors
[<-Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[< or Replace Parts of an Object
[<-.DateDate Class
[<-.factorExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
[<-.POSIXctDate-Time Classes
[<-.POSIXltDate-Time Classes
[[Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.data.frameExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.DateDate Class
[[.factorExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
[[.POSIXctDate-Time Classes
[[<-Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[< or Replace Parts of an Object
[[<-.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
^Arithmetic Operators
{ The Structure of Expressions
|Logical Operators
||Control Flow
~Model Formula Objects
abbreviateGenerate Abbreviations
absAbsolute Value
acosInverse Trigonometric Functions
acoshInverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
activeBindingFunctionBinding and Environment Adjustments
addTaskCallbackManage Top-Level Task Callbacks
agrepApproximate String Matching (Fuzzy Matching)
agreplApproximate String Matching (Fuzzy Matching)
allLogical Sum and Product
all.equalTest Two Objects for Full Equality
all.equal.factorTest Two Objects for Full Equality
all.equal.numericTest Two Objects for Full Equality
all.equal.POSIXctTest Two Objects for Full Equality
all.namesFind All Names in an Expression
all.varsFind All Names in an Expression
allowInterruptsDisable or Enable User Interrupts
anyLogical Sum and Product
anyDuplicatedDetermine Duplicate Elements
anyDuplicated.arrayDetermine Duplicate Elements Duplicate Elements
anyDuplicated.defaultDetermine Duplicate Elements
anyDuplicated.matrixDetermine Duplicate Elements
anyNAQuickly check for missing (NA) values
apermArray Permutations
aperm.defaultArray Permutations
aperm.tableArray Permutations
appendInsert or Merge Data
applyApply a Function to Sections of an Array
ArgComplex arithmetic
argsDisplay the Argument List of a Function
ArithmeticArithmetic Operators
arrayMulti-Way Arrays
arrayIndFind TRUE Values
as.arrayMulti-Way Arrays
as.array.defaultMulti-Way Arrays
as.callCalling Functions
as.characterCharacter Objects
as.character.conditionCondition Handling and Recovery
as.character.DateDate-Time Formatting
as.character.errorCondition Handling and Recovery
as.character.factorCharacter Objects
as.character.hexmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
as.character.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
as.character.octmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
as.character.POSIXtDate-Time Formatting
as.complexComplex Valued Objects a Data Frame a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object Versions a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object a Data Frame Object from an S object
as.DateDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.characterDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.dateDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.datesDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.defaultDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.factorDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.numericDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.POSIXctDate-Time Parsing
as.Date.POSIXltDate-Time Parsing
as.difftimeDate-Time Parsing
as.doubleDouble Precision Objects
as.double.difftimeDouble Precision Objects
as.double.POSIXltDouble Precision Objects
as.environmentCoerce to an Environment Object
as.expressionExpression Objects
as.factorCreate Factor Object
as.functionFunction Objects
as.hexmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
as.integerInteger Objects
as.listList Objects Objects
as.list.DateList Objects
as.list.defaultList Objects
as.list.environmentList Objects
as.list.factorList Objects
as.list.functionList Objects
as.list.numeric_versionList Objects
as.list.POSIXctList Objects
as.logicalLogical Objects
as.logical.factorLogical Objects
as.matrixMatrix Objects Objects
as.matrix.defaultMatrix Objects
as.matrix.noquoteMatrix Objects
as.matrix.POSIXltMatrix Objects
as.nameNames and Symbols
as.nullThe Null Object
as.null.defaultThe Null Object
as.numericNumeric Objects
as.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
as.octmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
as.orderedCreate an Ordered factor Object
as.package_versionNumeric Versions
as.POSIXctDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXct.DateDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXct.datesDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXct.defaultDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXct.factorDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXct.numericDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXct.POSIXltDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXltDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXlt.characterDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXlt.DateDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXlt.datesDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXlt.defaultDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXlt.factorDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXlt.numericDate-Time Parsing
as.POSIXlt.POSIXctDate-Time Parsing
as.rawCreate a Raw Vector
as.singleSingle Precision Objects
as.single.defaultSingle Precision Objects
as.symbolNames and Symbols
as.tableCreate a Contingency Table from Factors
as.vectorVectors (Simple Objects)
as.vector.factorCoerce a Factor Object into a Vector of a Given Mode
asinInverse Trigonometric Functions
asinhInverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
AsIsInhibit Interpretation/Conversion of Objects
asNamespaceGet Namespace Environment Information
asplitSplit Array into List of Subarrays
assignAssign Environment Variable
AssignmentAssign a Name to an Object
atanInverse Trigonometric Functions
atan2Inverse Trigonometric Functions
atanhInverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
attachAttach a Set of Objects to the Search Path
attachNamespaceLoading and Unloading Namespaces
attrAttribute of an Object
attributesAll Attributes of an Object
backsolveBacksolve Upper or Lower Triangular Equations
baseenvEnvironment Access
basenameManipulate File Paths
besselIBessel functions
besselJBessel functions
besselKBessel functions
besselYBessel functions
betaBeta Function and its Logarithm
bindenvBinding and Environment Adjustments
bindingIsActiveBinding and Environment Adjustments
bindingIsLockedBinding and Environment Adjustments
bitwAndBitwise Logical Operations
bitwNotBitwise Logical Operations
bitwOrBitwise Logical Operations
bitwShiftLBitwise Logical Operations
bitwShiftRBitwise Logical Operations
bitwXorBitwise Logical Operations
bquotePartial Substitution in Expressions
breakControl Flow
browserBrowse Interactively in a Function's Frame
bySplit a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts
by.defaultSplit a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts
bzfileFunctions to Manipulate Connections
cCombine Values into a Vector or List
c.DateCombine Values into a Vector or List
c.difftimeTime Intervals
c.factorCombine Values into a Vector or List
c.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
c.POSIXctCombine Values into a Vector or List
c.POSIXltCombine Values into a Vector or List
callCalling Functions
capabilitiesReport Capabilities of This Engine
casefoldConvert Case of Character Strings
catPrint the Arguments
cbindBuilding a Matrix from Columns or Rows Data Frame from Columns
ceilingInteger Values
char.expandExpand a String with Respect to a Target Table
characterCharacter Objects
charmatchPartial Matching of Character Strings
charToRawConvert to or from Raw Vectors
check_tzonesGet the Current Date, Time, or Time Zone
chkDotsManipulate Ellipsis Arguments
cholCholeski Decomposition of Symmetric Matrix
chol.defaultCholeski Decomposition of Symmetric Matrix
chol2invInvert a Matrix Given its Choleski Decomposition
chooseFactorial, Combinations, and Permutations
classClass Attribute of an Object
clipboardFunctions to Manipulate Connections
closeFunctions to Manipulate Connections
close.connectionFunctions to Manipulate Connections
colColumn and Row Identification in a Matrix
colMeansRow and Column Summaries
colnamesColumn and Row Names
colnames<-Column and Row Names
colSumsRow and Column Summaries
ComparisonComparison Operators
complexComplex Valued Objects
computeRestartsCondition Handling and Recovery
conditionCondition Handling and Recovery
conditionCallCondition Handling and Recovery
conditionCall.conditionCondition Handling and Recovery
conditionMessageCondition Handling and Recovery
conditionMessage.conditionCondition Handling and Recovery
conditionsCondition Handling and Recovery
ConjComplex arithmetic
connectionFunctions to Manipulate Connections
connectionsFunctions to Manipulate Connections
ControlControl Flow
cosTrigonometric Functions
coshHyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
cospiTrigonometric Functions
crossprodMatrix Cross Product
cummaxCumulative Maxima and Minima
cumminCumulative Maxima and Minima
cumprodCumulative Sums and Products
cumsumCumulative Sums and Products
curlGetHeadersGet HTTP or FTP Headers Using cURL
cutCreate Factor Object from Numeric Vector
cut.DateCreate Factor by Cutting Date or POSIXt Object
cut.defaultCreate Factor Object from Numeric Vector
cut.POSIXtCreate Factor by Cutting Date or POSIXt Object
data.classClass of an Object
data.frameConstruct a Data Frame
data.matrixCoerce Data Frame to Numeric Matrix
DateGet the Current Date, Time, or Time Zone
dcfRead and Write Data in DCF Format
deparseTurn a Parsed Expression into Character Form
deparse1Turn a Parsed Expression into Character Form
detDeterminant of a Matrix
detachDetach Data from the Search List
determinantDeterminant of a Matrix
dgetRead or Write a Text Representation of an object
diagDiagonal Matrices
diffCreate an Object of Differences
diff.DateCreate an Object of Differences
diff.defaultCreate an Object of Differences
diff.difftimeTime Intervals
diff.POSIXtCreate an Object of Differences
diff.tsCreate an Object of Differences
difftimeTime Intervals
digammaGamma Function (and Its Derivatives and Logarithm)
dimDim Attribute of an Object
dim<-Dim Attribute of an Object
dimnamesDimnames Attribute of an Object Attribute of an Object
dirList the Files in a Directory
dir.createFile and Directory Manipulation
dir.existsFile and Directory Manipulation
dirnameManipulate File Paths
do.callExecute a Function Call
dontCheckReturn Argument Unaltered
doubleDouble Precision Objects
dputRead or Write a Text Representation of an object
dQuoteQuote Text
dropDrop Length One Dimensions of an Array
dumpProduce Text Representations of Objects
duplicatedDetermine Duplicate Elements
duplicated.arrayDetermine Duplicate Elements Duplicate Elements
duplicated.defaultDetermine Duplicate Elements
duplicated.matrixDetermine Duplicate Elements
duplicated.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
duplicated.POSIXltDetermine Duplicate Elements
dyn.loadForeign Function Interface
dyn.unloadForeign Function Interface
eapplyApply a Function Over Values in an Environment
eigenEigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix
eigen.defaultEigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix
elseControl Flow
emptyenvEnvironment Access
encodeStringEncode Character Vector for Printing
EncodingString Encodings of a Character Vector
Encoding<-String Encodings of a Character Vector
endsWithDoes String Start or End With Another String
environmentEnvironment Access
environment<-Environment Access
environmentIsLockedBinding and Environment Adjustments
environmentNameEnvironment Access
errorConditionCondition Handling and Recovery
evalEvaluate an Expression
eval.parentEvaluate an Expression
evalqEvaluate an Expression
existsDetermine if an Object is Defined
expExponential and related Functions
expand.gridCreate a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factors
expm1Exponential and related Functions
expressionExpression Objects
ExtractExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
extSoftVersionReport Versions of Third-Party Software
factorCreate Factor Object
factorialFactorial, Combinations, and Permutations
fifoFunctions to Manipulate Connections
fileFunctions to Manipulate Connections
file.appendFile and Directory Manipulation
file.copyFile and Directory Manipulation
file.createFile and Directory Manipulation
file.existsFile and Directory Manipulation
file.infoExtract File Information
file.linkFile and Directory Manipulation
file.modeExtract File Information
file.mtimeExtract File Information
file.pathConstruct Path to File
file.removeFile and Directory Manipulation
file.renameFile and Directory Manipulation
file.showDisplay Files
file.sizeExtract File Information
file.symlinkFile and Directory Manipulation
FilterCommon Higher-Order Functions
FindCommon Higher-Order Functions
findIntervalFind Interval Numbers or Indices
findRestartCondition Handling and Recovery
floorInteger Values
flushFunctions to Manipulate Connections
flush.connectionFunctions to Manipulate Connections
forControl Flow
forceAndCallCall a function with Some Arguments Forced
formalsAccess and Manipulate the Formal Arguments
formals<-Access and Manipulate the Formal Arguments
formatFormatted Character Data Character Data
format.DateDate-Time Formatting
format.defaultFormatted Character Data
format.difftimeDate-Time Formatting
format.factorFormatted Character Data
format.hexmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
format.octmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
format.POSIXctDate-Time Formatting
format.POSIXltDate-Time Formatting
formatCFormatting Using C-style Formats
formatDLFormat Description Lists
formula.objectModel Formula Objects
functionThe Structure of Expressions
gammaGamma Function (and Its Derivatives and Logarithm)
gcGarbage Collection
gcinfoGarbage Collection
gctortureForce frequent garbage collections
gctorture2Force frequent garbage collections
getSearch for a Named Object
get0Determine if an Object is Defined
geterrmessageError and Warning Messages
getExportedValueGet Namespace Environment Information
getHookFunctions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
getLoadedDLLsGet DLLs Loaded in Current Session
getNamespaceGet Namespace Environment Information
getNamespaceExportsGet Namespace Environment Information
getNamespaceImportsGet Namespace Environment Information
getNamespaceInfoAccess Namespace Environment Information
getNamespaceNameGet Namespace Environment Information
getNamespaceUsersGet Namespace Environment Information
getNamespaceVersionGet Namespace Environment Information
getNativeSymbolInfoObtain a Description of one or more Native Symbols
getOptionSet or Return Options
getRversionNumeric Versions
getTaskCallbackNamesManage Top-Level Task Callbacks
gettextTranslate Text Messages
gettextfGenerate C-Style Formatted Output
getwdGet or Set Current Working Directory
glGenerate Patterned Factor
globalCallingHandlersCondition Handling and Recovery
globalenvEnvironment Access
gregexprMatch Patterns in Strings
grepSearch for a Pattern in Text
greplSearch for a Pattern in Text
grepRawPattern Matching for Raw Vectors
groupingGrouping Permutation
gsubReplace Part of a Character String
gzfileFunctions to Manipulate Connections
hasNameNames Attribute of an Object
hexmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
IInhibit Interpretation/Conversion of Objects
iconvConvert Character Vector between Encodings
iconvlistConvert Character Vector between Encodings
identicalTest for Complete Equality
identityReturn Argument Unaltered
ifControl Flow
ifelseConditional Data Selection
ImComplex arithmetic
inControl Flow
infoRDSRDS File Details
inheritsTest Inheritance of an Object
integerInteger Objects
interactionCompute the Interaction of Several Factors
interactiveTest For Interactive Execution
intersectSet Operations
intToBitsConvert to or from Raw Vectors
inverse.rleRun Length Encoding and Decoding
invisibleMark Value as Non-Printing
invokeRestartCondition Handling and Recovery
invokeRestartInteractivelyCondition Handling and Recovery
is.arrayMulti-Way Arrays
is.atomicTest for Atomic or Recursive Objects
is.callCalling Functions
is.characterCharacter Objects
is.complexComplex Valued Objects a Data Frame
is.doubleDouble Precision Objects
is.elementSet Operations
is.environmentEnvironment Access
is.expressionExpression Objects
is.factorCreate Factor Object
is.finiteCheck IEEE Arithmetic Values
is.functionFunction Objects
is.infiniteCheck IEEE Arithmetic Values
is.integerInteger Objects
is.languageTest for Atomic or Recursive Objects
is.listList Objects
is.loadedForeign Function Interface
is.logicalLogical Objects
is.matrixMatrix Objects
is.naNot Available / Missing Values Available / Missing Values Available / Missing Values<-Not Available / Missing Values<-.defaultNot Available / Missing Values<-.factorNot Available / Missing Values
is.nameNames and Symbols
is.nanCheck IEEE Arithmetic Values
is.nullThe Null Object
is.numericNumeric Objects
is.numeric.DateNumeric Objects
is.numeric.difftimeNumeric Objects
is.numeric.POSIXtNumeric Objects
is.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
is.objectTest if an Object has a Class Attribute
is.orderedCreate an Ordered factor Object
is.package_versionNumeric Versions
is.qrQR Matrix Decomposition
is.RTest If Running Under an R Compatible Engine
is.rawCreate a Raw Vector
is.recursiveTest for Atomic or Recursive Objects
is.singleSingle Precision Objects
is.symbolNames and Symbols
is.tableCreate a Contingency Table from Factors
is.vectorVectors (Simple Objects)
isattyFunctions to Manipulate Connections
isBaseNamespaceCheck if an Environment is a (base) Namespace Environment
isFALSETest for the Value TRUE or FALSE
isIncompleteFunctions to Manipulate Connections
isNamespaceCheck if an Environment is a (base) Namespace Environment
isNamespaceLoadedLoading and Unloading Namespaces
ISOdateConstruct Date-time from Broken-down Time
ISOdatetimeConstruct Date-time from Broken-down Time
isOpenFunctions to Manipulate Connections
isRestartCondition Handling and Recovery
isSymmetricTest if an Object is Symmetric
isSymmetric.matrixTest if an Object is Symmetric
isTRUETest for the Value TRUE or FALSE
julianExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
julian.DateExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
julian.POSIXtExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
kappaCompute the Exact or Estimated Condition Number
kappa.defaultCompute the Exact or Estimated Condition Number
kappa.lmCompute the Exact or Estimated Condition Number
kappa.qrCompute the Exact or Estimated Condition Number
kroneckerGeneralized Kronecker Products
l10n_infoLocalization Information
La.svdSingular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
labelsLabels for Printing
labels.defaultLabels for Printing
labels.distLabels for Printing
labels.glmLabels for Printing
labels.lmLabels for Printing
labels.termsLabels for Printing
lapplyApply a Function to Components of a List or Vector
lbetaBeta Function and its Logarithm
lchooseFactorial, Combinations, and Permutations
lengthLength of a Vector or List
length.POSIXltLength of a Vector or List
length<-.factorSet Length of a factor
lengthsLength of a Vector or List
LETTERSBuilt-in Constants
levelsGet Or Set Levels Attribute
lfactorialFactorial, Combinations, and Permutations
lgammaGamma Function (and Its Derivatives and Logarithm)
libcurlVersionReturn the version of the cURL library in use
libraryLoad and List Packages
library.dynamLoading DLLs from Packages
library.dynam.unloadLoading DLLs from Packages
listList Objects
list.dirsList the Files in a Directory
list.filesList the Files in a Directory
list2DFQuickly Make Data.frame From List of Vectors
loadReload Saved Datasets
loadedNamespacesLoading and Unloading Namespaces
loadNamespaceLoading and Unloading Namespaces
localEvaluate an Expression
lockBindingBinding and Environment Adjustments
lockEnvironmentBinding and Environment Adjustments
logExponential and related Functions
log10Exponential and related Functions
log1pExponential and related Functions
log2Exponential and related Functions
logbExponential and related Functions
LogicLogical Operators
logicalLogical Objects
lower.triLogical Matrix of the Lower or Upper Triangle
lsRetrive a List of Objects
make.namesMake Character Strings into Legal Names
make.uniqueMake Character Strings Unique
makeActiveBindingBinding and Environment Adjustments
MapCommon Higher-Order Functions
mapplyApply a Function to Multiple List or Vector Arguments
margin.tableCompute Table Margin
marginSumsCompute Table Margin
mat.or.vecCreate a Matrix or a Vector
matchMatch Items against a Table
match.argVerify an Argument Using Partial Matching
match.callArgument Matching
match.funFunction Verification for "Function Variables" Group Method for Data Frame Objects
Math.DateMath Group Method for Date/Time Objects
Math.difftimeMath Group Method for Date/Time Objects
Math.factorMath Group Method for Factor Objects
Math.POSIXtMath Group Method for Date/Time Objects
matmultMatrix Multiplication
matrixMatrix Objects
meanMean Value (Arithmetic Average) Value (Arithmetic Average)
mean.DateMean Value (Arithmetic Average)
mean.defaultMean Value (Arithmetic Average)
mean.difftimeMean Value (Arithmetic Average)
mean.POSIXctMean Value (Arithmetic Average)
mean.POSIXltMean Value (Arithmetic Average)
memCompressIn-memory Compression and Decompression
memDecompressIn-memory Compression and Decompression
mergeMerge Two Datasets and Match Columns Two Datasets and Match Columns
merge.defaultMerge Two Datasets and Match Columns
messageDiagnostic Messages
mgetSearch for a Named Object
missingCheck for Missing Arguments
ModComplex arithmetic
modeData Mode of the Values in a Vector
month.abbBuilt-in Constants
month.nameBuilt-in Constants
monthsExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
months.DateExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
months.POSIXtExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
mostattributes<-All Attributes of an Object
NANot Available / Missing Values
NA_character_Not Available / Missing Values
NA_complex_Not Available / Missing Values
NA_integer_Not Available / Missing Values
NA_real_Not Available / Missing Values
nameNames and Symbols
namesNames Attribute of an Object
names.POSIXltNames Attribute of an Object
names<-Names Attribute of an Object
names<-.POSIXltNames Attribute of an Object
NaNNot Available / Missing Values
nargsNumber of Arguments to Function
NativeSymbolObtain a Description of one or more Native Symbols
NativeSymbolInfoObtain a Description of one or more Native Symbols
ncharLengths of Character Strings
ncolGet the Number of Rows or Columns of an Array or Matrix
NegateCommon Higher-Order Functions
new.envEnvironment Access
nextControl Flow
NextMethodMethods Invoked from Functions
ngettextTranslate Text Messages
nlevelsNumber of Levels of a factor Object
noquoteRemove Quotation Marks from a String
normCompute the Norm of a Matrix
normalizePathExpress File Paths in Canonical Form
nrowGet the Number of Rows or Columns of an Array or Matrix
NULLThe Null Object
nullfileName the null file
numericNumeric Objects
numeric_versionNumeric Versions
numToBitsConvert to or from Raw Vectors
numToIntsConvert to or from Raw Vectors
nzcharLengths of Character Strings
objectsRetrive a List of Objects
octmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
OlsonNamesTime Zones
on.exitExit Expression For a Function
openFunctions to Manipulate Connections
open.connectionFunctions to Manipulate Connections Group Method for Data Frame Objects
Ops.DateOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
Ops.difftimeOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
Ops.factorOperations for Factors and Ordered Factors
Ops.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
Ops.orderedOperations for Factors and Ordered Factors
Ops.POSIXtOps Group Method for Date/Time Objects
optionsSet or Return Options
orderVector of Indices That Sort Data
orderedCreate an Ordered factor Object
outerGeneralized Outer Products
package_versionNumeric Versions
packageEventFunctions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
packageStartupMessageDiagnostic Messages
packBitsConvert to or from Raw Vectors
parent.envEnvironment Access
parent.env<-Environment Access
parent.frameGet the System Evaluator State
parseParse Expressions
pasteConcatenate Data to Make Character Data
paste0Concatenate Data to Make Character Data
path.expandExpand ~ in File Paths
piBuilt-in Constants
pipeFunctions to Manipulate Connections
pmatchPartial Matching of Character Items in a Vector
pmaxParallel Maximum or Minimum
pmax.intParallel Maximum or Minimum
pminParallel Maximum or Minimum
pmin.intParallel Maximum or Minimum
polyrootFind the Roots of a Polynomial Positions in the Search Path to Environments
PositionCommon Higher-Order Functions
POSIXctDate-Time Classes
POSIXltDate-Time Classes
POSIXtDate-Time Classes
prettyNumFormatting Using C-style Formats
printPrint Data - Generic function
print.conditionCondition Handling and Recovery
print.connectionFunctions to Manipulate Connections a Data Frame Object
print.DateDate Class
print.defaultPrint Data
print.difftimeTime Intervals
print.DLLInfoGet DLLs Loaded in Current Session
print.DLLInfoListGet DLLs Loaded in Current Session
print.factorUse print on a factor Object
print.hexmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
print.listofPrint a listof Object
print.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
print.octmodeDisplay Integers in Octal or Hexadecimal
print.POSIXctDate-Time Classes
print.POSIXltDate-Time Classes
print.restartCondition Handling and Recovery
print.rleRun Length Encoding and Decoding
print.summary.tableSummary of a table Object
print.tablePrint a table Object
proc.timeRunning Time of Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R
prodSums and Products
prop.tableExpress Table Entries as Fraction of Marginal Table
proportionsExpress Table Entries as Fraction of Marginal Table
provideDimnamesDimnames Attribute of an Object
psigammaGamma Function (and Its Derivatives and Logarithm)
qQuit From Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R
qrQR Matrix Decomposition
qr.coefUse a QR Matrix Decomposition
qr.defaultQR Matrix Decomposition
qr.fittedUse a QR Matrix Decomposition
qr.lmQR Matrix Decomposition
qr.QReconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qr.qtyUse a QR Matrix Decomposition
qr.qyUse a QR Matrix Decomposition
qr.RReconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qr.residUse a QR Matrix Decomposition
qr.solveUse a QR Matrix Decomposition
qr.XReconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
quartersExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
quarters.DateExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
quarters.POSIXtExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
quitQuit From Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R
R.homePaths to Files in the Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Installation
R.versionVersion Information
R.version.stringVersion Information
R_system_versionNumeric Versions
rangeGet the Range of Data
rankRanks of Data
rapplyApply a Function Recursively
rawCreate a Raw Vector
rawShiftConvert to or from Raw Vectors
rawToBitsConvert to or from Raw Vectors
rawToCharConvert to or from Raw Vectors
rbindBuilding a Matrix from Columns or Rows a Data Frame from Rows
ReComplex arithmetic
read.dcfRead and Write Data in DCF Format
readBinRead and Write Binary Data
readCharTransfer Character Strings To and From Connections
readlineRead a Line from the Terminal
readLinesRead or Write Multiple Lines from or to a Connection
readRDSSerialization Interface for Single Objects
RecallRecursive Call of the Current Function
ReduceCommon Higher-Order Functions
reg.finalizerFinalization of Objects
regexecSearch for a Pattern in Text
regexprMatch Patterns in Strings
RegisteredNativeSymbolObtain a Description of one or more Native Symbols
registerS3methodRegister S3 methods
registerS3methodsRegister S3 methods
regmatchesExtract or Replace Matched Substrings
regmatches<-Extract or Replace Matched Substrings
removeRemove Objects from a Specified Environment
removeTaskCallbackManage Top-Level Task Callbacks
repReplicate Data Values
rep.DateReplicate Data Values
rep.defaultReplicate Data Values
rep.factorReplicate Data Values
rep.intReplicate Data Values
rep.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
rep.POSIXctReplicate Data Values
rep.POSIXltReplicate Data Values
rep_lenReplicate Data Values
repeatControl Flow
replaceInsert or Merge Data
requireLoad and List Packages
requireNamespaceLoading and Unloading Namespaces
restartDescriptionCondition Handling and Recovery
restartFormalsCondition Handling and Recovery
returnThe Structure of Expressions
returnValueTracing and Debugging of Calls to Functions
revReverse the Order of an Object
rev.defaultReverse the Order of an Object
rleRun Length Encoding and Decoding
rmRemove Objects from a Specified Environment
RNGControl Random Number Generator
RNGkindControl Random Number Generator
RNGversionControl Random Number Generator
roundRounding Functions
round.DateMath Group Method for Date/Time Objects
round.POSIXtMath Group Method for Date/Time Objects
rowColumn and Row Identification in a Matrix
row.namesRow Names Attribute Names Attribute
row.names<-Row Names Attribute
row.names< Names Attribute
rowMeansRow and Column Summaries
rownamesColumn and Row Names
rownames<-Column and Row Names
rowsumGroup Row Sums of a Matrix rowsum() on a data frame object
rowsum.defaultGroup Row Sums of a Matrix
rowSumsRow and Column Summaries
sampleGenerate Random Samples or Permutations of Data
sample.intGenerate Random Samples or Permutations of Data
sapplyApply a Function to Components of a List or Vector
saveSave Objects
save.imageSave Objects
saveRDSSerialization Interface for Single Objects
scaleScale Columns of a Matrix
scale.defaultScale Columns of a Matrix
scanInput Data from a File or Connection
searchSearch List
searchpathsSearch List
seqGenerate a Sequence
seq.DateSequences of Date-Times
seq.defaultGenerate a Sequence
seq.intGenerate a Sequence
seq.POSIXtSequences of Date-Times
seq_alongGenerate a Sequence
seq_lenGenerate a Sequence
sequenceCreate A Vector of Sequences
serializeSimple Serialization Interface
set.seedControl Random Number Generator
setdiffSet Operations
setequalSet Operations
setHookFunctions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
setNamespaceInfoAccess Namespace Environment Information
setwdGet or Set Current Working Directory
shellInvoke a System Command Using a Shell
shQuoteQuote Strings for Use in OS Shells
signSignum Function
signalConditionCondition Handling and Recovery
signifRounding Functions
simpleConditionCondition Handling and Recovery
simpleErrorCondition Handling and Recovery
simpleMessageCondition Handling and Recovery
simpleWarningCondition Handling and Recovery
simplify2arrayApply a Function to Components of a List or Vector
sinTrigonometric Functions
singleSingle Precision Objects
sinhHyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
sinkSend Output to a File
sink.numberSend Output to a File
sinpiTrigonometric Functions
sleepSleep for a Specified Period
slice.indexSlice Identification in an Array
socketConnectionFunctions to Manipulate Connections
solveSolve Linear Equations and Invert Matrices
solve.defaultSolve Linear Equations and Invert Matrices
solve.qrSolve Linear Equations and Invert Matrices
sortSort into Numeric or Alphabetic Order
sort.defaultSort into Numeric or Alphabetic Order
sort.intSort into Numeric or Alphabetic Order
sort.listVector of Indices That Sort Data
sort.POSIXltSort into Numeric or Alphabetic Order
sourceRead Expressions from a File or a Connection
splitSplit Data by Groups Data by Groups
split.DateSplit Data by Groups
split.defaultSplit Data by Groups
split.POSIXctSplit Data by Groups
split<-Split Data by Groups
split< Data by Groups
split<-.defaultSplit Data by Groups
sprintfGenerate C-Style Formatted Output
sqrtExponential and related Functions
sQuoteQuote Text
startsWithDoes String Start or End With Another String
StartupCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
stderrFunctions to Manipulate Connections
stdinFunctions to Manipulate Connections
stdoutFunctions to Manipulate Connections
stopError and Warning Messages
stopifnotStop if Not All True
storage.modeData Mode of the Values in a Vector
str2expressionParse Expressions
str2langParse Expressions
strftimeDate-Time Formatting
strptimeDate-Time Parsing
strrepExpand the Strings in Character Vector by Repetition
strsplitSplit the Elements of a Character Vector
structureAn Object with Given Attributes
strwrapWrap Character Strings for Paragraph Formatting
subReplace Part of a Character String
SubscriptExtract or Replace Parts of an Object or Replace Parts of an Object
Subscript.factorExtract or Replace Parts of an Object
subsetSubsetting Vectors, Matrices and Data Frames Vectors, Matrices and Data Frames
subset.defaultSubsetting Vectors, Matrices and Data Frames
subset.matrixSubsetting Vectors, Matrices and Data Frames
substituteSubstitute in an Expression
substrExtract or Replace Portions of Character Strings
substr<-Extract or Replace Portions of Character Strings
substringExtract or Replace Portions of Character Strings
substring<-Extract or Replace Portions of Character Strings
sumSums and Products
SummarySummarize an Object - Generic Function
summary.connectionFunctions to Manipulate Connections of a Data Frame Object
Summary.DateSummarize an Object - Generic Function
summary.defaultDefault Summary Method
Summary.difftimeSummary Group Method for Date/Time Objects
Summary.factorUse summary() on a factor Object
summary.matrixSummary of a Data Frame Object
Summary.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
Summary.orderedSummary Group Generic Function and Group Method
Summary.POSIXctSummarize an Object - Generic Function
Summary.POSIXltSummarize an Object - Generic Function
summary.tableSummary of a table Object
suppressMessagesDiagnostic Messages
suppressPackageStartupMessagesDiagnostic Messages
suppressUnimplementedGraphicsWarningsError and Warning Messages
suppressWarningsError and Warning Messages
suspendInterruptsDisable or Enable User Interrupts
svdSingular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
sweepSweep Out Array Summaries
switchEvaluate One of Several Expressions
SyntaxThe Structure of Expressions
sys.callGet the System Evaluator State
sys.callsGet the System Evaluator State
Sys.DateGet the Current Date, Time, or Time Zone
sys.frameGet the System Evaluator State
sys.framesGet the System Evaluator State
sys.functionGet the System Evaluator State
Sys.getenvGet Environment Variables
Sys.getlocaleSet or Get Locale-Specific Information
Sys.globWildcard Expansion on File Paths
Sys.infoExtract System and User Information
Sys.localeconvSet or Get Locale-Specific Information
sys.nframeGet the System Evaluator State
sys.on.exitGet the System Evaluator State
sys.parentGet the System Evaluator State
sys.parentsGet the System Evaluator State
Sys.readlinkFile and Directory Manipulation
Sys.setenvSet or Unset Environment Variables
Sys.setlocaleSet or Get Locale-Specific Information
Sys.sleepSleep for a Specified Period
sys.statusGet the System Evaluator State
Sys.timeGet the Current Date, Time, or Time Zone
Sys.timezoneGet the Current Date, Time, or Time Zone
Sys.unsetenvSet or Unset Environment Variables
systemInvoke a System Command
system.timeCPU Time Used
tTranspose a Matrix
t.defaultTranspose a Matrix
tableCreate a Contingency Table from Factors
tabulateCount Entries in Bins
tanTrigonometric Functions
tanhHyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
tanpiTrigonometric Functions
tapplyApply a Function to a Ragged Array
taskCallbackManagerCreate an R-level task callback manager
tcrossprodMatrix Cross Product
tempdirCreate Unique Names for Files
tempfileCreate Unique Names for Files
TERR_ENVIRONCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
TERR_ENVIRON_USERCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
TERR_LIBSSearch Paths for Packages
TERR_LIBS_SITESearch Paths for Packages
TERR_LIBS_USERSearch Paths for Packages
TERR_PROFILECustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
TERR_PROFILE_USERCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
TERRenviron.siteCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
TERRprofileCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
TERRprofile.siteCustomization at Start of a Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Session
textConnectionText Connections
textConnectionValueText Connections
timezoneTime Zones
timezonesTime Zones
tolowerConvert Case of Character Strings
topenvTop-Level Environment
toupperConvert Case of Character Strings
traceTracing and Debugging of Calls to Functions
tracebackPrint Call Stack After Error
transformTransform an Object to a Data Frame Object an Object to a Data Frame Object
transform.defaultTransform an Object to a Data Frame Object
trigTrigonometric Functions
trigammaGamma Function (and Its Derivatives and Logarithm)
trimwsRemove leading or trailing white space
truncInteger Values
trunc.DateMath Group Method for Date/Time Objects
trunc.POSIXtMath Group Method for Date/Time Objects
tryContinue after errors
tryCatchCondition Handling and Recovery
tryInvokeRestartCondition Handling and Recovery
typeThe Type of an Object
typeofThe Type of an Object
unclassClass Attribute of an Object
unimplementedStopFunctions for Handling Unimplemented Functions and Arguments
unimplementedWarningFunctions for Handling Unimplemented Functions and Arguments
unionSet Operations
uniqueUnique Values
unique.arrayUnique Values Values
unique.defaultUnique Values
unique.matrixUnique Values
unique.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
unique.POSIXltUnique Values
unitsUnits for Time Intervals
units.difftimeUnits for Time Intervals
units<-Units for Time Intervals
units<-.difftimeUnits for Time Intervals
unix.timeCPU Time Used
unlinkRemove Files and Directories
unlistSimplify the Structure of a List
unloadNamespaceLoading and Unloading Namespaces
unlockBindingBinding and Environment Adjustments
unnameRemove "names" or "dimnames"
unserializeSimple Serialization Interface
unsplitSplit Data by Groups
untraceTracing and Debugging of Calls to Functions
unzFunctions to Manipulate Connections
upper.triLogical Matrix of the Lower or Upper Triangle
urlFunctions to Manipulate Connections
UseMethodMethods Invoked from Functions
validEncCheck if a Character Vector is Validly Encoded
validUTF8Check if a Character Vector is Validly Encoded
vapplyApply a Function to Components of a List or Vector
vectorVectors (Simple Objects)
VectorizeApply a Function to Multiple List or Vector Arguments
versionVersion Information
warningError and Warning Messages
warningConditionCondition Handling and Recovery
warningsSaved Warning Messages
weekdaysExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
weekdays.DateExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
weekdays.POSIXtExtract Parts of a Date or POSIXt Object
whichFind TRUE Values
which.maxFind the Index of the Minimum or Maximum Value
which.minFind the Index of the Minimum or Maximum Value
whileControl Flow
withEvaluates an expression in a given context
with.defaultEvaluates an expression in a given context
withAutoprintRead Expressions from a File or a Connection
withCallingHandlersCondition Handling and Recovery
withinEvaluates an expression in a given context an expression in a given context
within.listEvaluates an expression in a given context
withRestartsCondition Handling and Recovery
writeWrite Data to ASCII File
write.dcfRead and Write Data in DCF Format
writeBinRead and Write Binary Data
writeCharTransfer Character Strings To and From Connections
writeLinesRead or Write Multiple Lines from or to a Connection
xorLogical Operators
xtfrmAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.AsIsAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.DateAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.defaultAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.difftimeAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.factor Auxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.numeric_versionNumeric Versions
xtfrm.POSIXctAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.POSIXltAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xtfrm.SurvAuxiliary Function for Sorting and Ranking
xzfileFunctions to Manipulate Connections
zapsmallCoerce Small Numbers to Zero for Printing
Package base version 6.1.4-13
Available Packages