Logical Operators


Operators work on logical or number-like vectors. The operators are & (and), | (or), ! (not), or xor(x,y) (exclusive or) .


e1 & e2
e1 | e2
! e1
xor(x, y)


x, y a logical or number-like vector of objects. The mode of a number-like vector could be "integer", "double" or "raw". Missing values (NAs) are allowed.


Results corresponding to NA in the operands will be either a logical value or an NA, depending on whether the other operand uniquely determines the answer. For example, NA|TRUE must be TRUE, and NA&FALSE must be FALSE. See section 5.1.5 of Becker, Chambers and Wilks (1988) for the rules for dealing with operands with attributes.
All number-like non-raw vectors will be coerced to logical: zero value will be FALSE and non-zero value will be TRUE.
All raw vectors will not be coerced, and will return the result of bitwise operation.
Logic is a group generic function, including a subset of functions included under the Ops group generic function. You can find the current list of functions in this group by typing getGroupMembers("Logic").
returns a logical vector of using & (and), | (or), ! (negation), or xor(x, y) (exclusive or) if x, y are logical vectors or non-raw number-like vectors. If the number-like vector has the mode "raw", it returns a raw vector containing the result of a bitwise operation. The result is as long as the longer of the operands for all but negation.
The !, &, and | operators make up the Logic group of operators within the Ops group.
Becker, R.A., Chambers, J.M., and Wilks, A.R. (1988). The New S Language Wadsworth and Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA.
Differences between Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and Open-source R
In open-source R, the negation (!) operator is not a group member of Logic.
See Also
if for || (sequential or) and && (sequential and). Compare, Groups, Ops, and individual functions listed below.
# The Ops group of generic functions includes:
#   Arithmetic:  +, -, *, /, ^, %/%, %%
#   Comparison:  >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, compare
#   Logical:     !, &, |
# See also .Uminus and xor

cu <- Sdatasets::cu.summary # Cars made in USA or Japan or both: cu[cu$Country=="USA" | cu$Country=="Japan/USA" | cu$Country == "Japan", ]

# Rows of cu.summary with no NA's in either Reliability or Mileage: cu[!is.na(cu$Reliability) & !is.na(cu$Mileage), ]

# Cars with Mileages outside the interquartile range exclusive of NA's: safe <- !is.na(cu$Mileage) cu[xor(cu$Mileage > 21, cu$Mileage < 27) & safe, ]

# Logic tables for &, | and xor: a <- c(TRUE, FALSE, NA) outer(a, a,"&") outer(a, a, "|") outer(a, a, "xor")

# Other "numeric" type e1 <- c(1, 3, 0, 3, NA, 0) e2 <- c(3, 0, 0, 2, -5, NA) e1 & e2 # Result: TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE NA FALSE e1 | e2 # Result: TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE NA !e1 # Result: FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE NA TRUE xor(e1, e2) # Result: FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE NA NA

# "raw" type, the shorter length of vector is recycled. e1.raw <- as.vector(c(42, 54, 13, 0, 18, 25), mode = "raw") e2.raw <- as.vector(c(17, 0, 5, NA), mode = "raw") e1.raw & e2.raw # Result: 00 00 05 00 10 00 e1.raw | e2.raw # Result: 3b 36 0d 00 13 19 !e1.raw # Result: d5 c9 f2 ff ed e6 xor(e1.raw, e2.raw) # Result: 3b 36 08 00 03 19

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