Operations for Factors and Ordered Factors


Defines arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators on factors.


e1 OP e2
OP e1


e1, e2 objects, at least one of which inherits from class "factor", for Ops.factor, or from "ordered" for Ops.ordered.


Each argument of the relevant class is converted to a vector, and the relevant comparison applied to the result. This is a group method for the functions of the Ops group generic, the basic operators for arithmetic, comparison, and logic. It succeeds only for comparison operators. The method fails for arithmetic or logical operators.
returns a logical vector for the comparison operators.
See Also
x <- 1:10
y <- factor(c("top", "bottom", "middle", "top", "bottom", 
   "middle", "top", "middle", "top", "bottom"))
x == y      
x > y   # Warning: '>' is not meaningful for factors

y1 <- ordered(c("top", "bottom", "middle", "top", "bottom", "middle", "top", "middle", "top", "bottom")) y2 <- ordered(c("top", "bottom", "top", "bottom", "middle", "top", "middle", "top", "bottom", "middle" )) y1 >= y2 # TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE y1 + y2 # Warning: '+' is not meaningful for ordered factors !y1 # Warning: '!' is not meaningful for ordered factors

Package base version 6.1.4-13
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