Expand a String with Respect to a Target Table


Perform a partial match of a character value to the elements contained in a character vector.


char.expand(input, target, nomatch = stop("no match"))


input a character value containing the character string to expand.
target a vector containing the complete replacement character strings.
nomatch a character value or expression that is evaluated if input does not match any string in target.
returns the first instance of a partial match of the element in the input argument against the elements in the target argument. The following outcomes are possible:
Match operation result Return value
Match exactly one string. The matched string from target.
Match more than one string. An empty character vector character(0).
No match. Evaluates the nomatch argument, and then returns NA.
See Also
char.expand("l", c("low", "medium", "high"))
# [1] "low"

char.expand(input="A", target=c("B","C"), nomatch="") # [1] NA

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