Call a Fortran or C Routine


Returns the values of objects after the call to the Fortran or C subroutine.




.NAME a character string giving the name of a Fortran or C routine to be called as it is stored in the export table of the dll where the rotuine resides. Fortran names should be lowercase without underscore, however with .Fortran Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R will attempt some extended name matching to account for possible Fortran compiler name case and underscore mangling.
... arguments to the subroutine. There must be exactly as many such arguments as the subroutine expects. They must agree in storage mode and length with the arguments to the Fortran or C subroutine as written. See the Details section below for more information. A mismatch may lead to undefined behavior. Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R does not limit the number of arguments that can be passed to a .C or .Fortran call on most platforms.

Arguments can have any name except NAOK, DUP, PACKAGE, or ENCODING which are reserved (see below). Arguments can be of any class that contains the desired vector, in particular, they can be matrices or multi-way arrays. The returned components retain these attributes, although the C or Fortran subroutine called will be ignorant of them.

NAOK a logical flag. If FALSE (the default), an error is generated if any missing values or NaN (Not a Number) or Inf (Infinite) values are found in any argument before calling the subroutine. If TRUE, these values are allowed in the arguments passed to the C or Fortran subroutine. Use is.nan to distinguish between Not a Number and standard missing values.
DUP a logical flag. If TRUE (the default), a copy of each argument's data vector is made before it is passed to the subroutine, so the subroutine can modify the contents without modifying the exisitng object data. If FALSE, the arguments are not copied, thus saving memory, however care must be exercised when using this setting; as FALSE may potentially affect other evaluations. An error is generated if this argument is FALSE, and any data argument is a string vector.
PACKAGE a character string. The name of a package which contains the specified C or Fortran routine. The search for the routine will be limited to the package.
ENCODING a single character string specifying the encoding of character strings. The value of this argument is currently ignored. The name is reserved and may be used in the future. It is provided for compatibility with R.


The storage modes correspond to the C types and Fortran types as follows: (double complex is a complex datum composed of double precision parts and might not be available on some older Fortran compilers.)
The calling function must coerce the arguments to the required data types, calling coercion functions such as as.double.
The return value (if any) of a C or Fortran function is not transmitted back to the caller of .C or .Fortran, so C routines should be of type void, and Fortran routines should be implemented as subroutines. All returned data must be transmitted back via the argument list.
returns a list of the actual arguments to the C or Fortran routine with any changes it makes to the data vectors. Normally the subroutine will overwrite some of the data to return the results if its computations. The returned components retain the class of the original argument. For example, a supplied matrix is returned as a matrix with the same structure, but possibly with modified data values.
The names attribute of the list is the names of the "..." arguments.
These functions do not use normal S function argument matching. The named arguments are listed above for convenience, but these functions would more appropriately have a signature of .... The differences from the normal argument matching rules are:
Only the first element of a vector of character strings can be passed to Fortran subroutines. String argument handling in Fortran is also compiler specific, e.g. hidden arguments are used for handling string lengths, and passing string arguments to Fortran routines should be done with care, generally avoiding it where possible.
SDifferences between Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and Open-source R
The argument "ENCODING" is reserved and may be used in the future in Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R.
See Also
dyn.load, symbol.For, symbol.C, is.finite, is.loaded, is.na, is.nan
# a function that calls a Fortran subroutine that takes a double 
# precision array and its length
function(x) {
    z <- .Fortran("mycalc", ans=x, length(x))
Package base version 6.1.4-13
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