Platform Specific Variables


The object .Platform is a list with various components that provide information about the platform where this version of the engine was built. These components can be used to write portable functions.




The named components of the list are:

OS.type A character string giving the operating system, either "unix" or "windows".
file.sep A character string giving the file separator used on this platform, for example "/".
dynlib.ext A character string giving the file name extension for dynamically loadable libraries, either ".dll" on Windows, or ".so" on most Unix and Linux systems.
GUI A character string giving the type of GUI in use.
endian A character string describing the endianness of the computer processor, either "big" or "little".
pkgType A character string giving the package type for this platform. Currently the possible values are "source" on Unix and Linux platforms, or "win.binary" on Windows. This gives the type of package to download and install.
path.sep A character string containing the path separator character, either ":" on Unix or Linux, or ";" on Windows.
See Also
version, options, install.packages, see .Machine for arithmetic details.
.Platform$pkgType  # package type

# convert single string to list of directories strsplit(Sys.getenv("PATH"), .Platform$path.sep)

Package base version 6.1.4-13
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