Extract File Information


Gets information about the specified file(s). The information can include such details as size, mode, and modification time.

Usage, extra_cols = TRUE)


... character vector(s) containing file names, including the path if the files are not located in the current working directory.
extra_cols a logical value. If FALSE, only the size, isdir, mode, mtime, ctime, and atime columns are in the return value. The default is TRUE.


On non-POSIX, Unix-like platforms, the following columns are not provided: The column "exe" is provided only on Windows.
file.inforeturns a data frame having row names the same as the input file names and the following columns:
size an integer. Specifies the file size in bytes.
isdir a logical value. TRUE if the name is a directory.
mode an integer. Specifies the file permissions.
mtime, ctime, atime integers of class c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"). Specifies file modification, change, and access times.
exe a character string. Specifies the target OS binary type of the file, if it is a binary file. Used only on Windows systems.
uid an integer. Specifies the user ID of the owner of the file. Used only on Unix-like systems.
gid an integer. Specifies the group ID of the file's group. Used only on Unix-like systems.
uname a character string. Specifies the user name of the owner of the file. Used only on Unix-like systems.
grname a character string. Specifies the group name of the group for the file. Used only on Unix-like systems. If the file does not exist, those items are displayed as NAs.
file.modereturns the mode of the file.
file.mtimereturns the modification time of the file.
file.sizereturns the file size in bytes.
Differences between Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and Open-source R
In Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R, 'uid', 'gid', 'uname' and 'grname' fields are never included. The 'exe' field is provided on all platforms, but says only "no" or "yes". In open-source R on Windows, it says "no", "win64", or "win32".
See Also
list.files, dir, file.exists, dir.exists, dir.create, file.access.
Examples"etc"), full.names=TRUE), extra_cols=FALSE)"a-string-object") 
file.mtime(dir(R.home("etc"), full.names=TRUE))
file.size(dir(R.home("etc"), full.names=TRUE))
file.mode(dir(R.home("etc"), full.names=TRUE))
Package base version 6.1.4-13
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