Construct Path to File


From the given path components (directories/folders and basenames of files), construct the path to a file or a directory.


file.path(..., fsep = .Platform$file.sep)


... the character strings containing the path components for creating the path names for some files or directories. Wild card characters and tildes are not treated specially. If any of the ... entries have a length of zero then the output will have a length of zero.
fsep the character string containing the path separator to use in generating the file path. The default value is the correct separator for the current platform.


See system.file to find files in packages. See R.home to find files relative the installation directory.
a vector of character strings with the ... arguments concatenated in the given order and separated by the fsep string.
file.path returns an empty character vector if no ... arguments are supplied or if any of them have length zero.
file.path does not check that the returned file paths refer to actual files.
See Also
system.file, R.home, list.files, Sys.glob. path.expand
# list the contents of the 'library' directory
list.files(file.path(R.home(), "library"))
Package base version 6.1.4-13
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