Formatting Using C-style Formats


Formats numbers and character strings.


formatC(x, digits = NULL, width = NULL, format = NULL, flag = "", 
    mode = NULL, big.mark = "", big.interval = 3L, small.mark = "", 
    small.interval = 5L, decimal.mark = ".", preserve.width = "individual", 
    zero.print = NULL, drop0trailing = FALSE) 
format.char((x, width = NULL, flag = "-") 
prettyNum(x, big.mark = "", big.interval = 3L, small.mark = "", 
    small.interval = 5L, decimal.mark = ".", preserve.width = c("common", 
    "individual", "none"), zero.print = NULL, drop0trailing = FALSE, 
    is.cmplx = NA, ...) 


x a vector of numbers or character strings.
digits an integer. Specifies the number of digits after the decimal point if format is "f", "fg", or "e", or the number of significant digits if format is "g". The default value is 1 for integers and 4 for real numbers. If digits is a negative value, it is changed to 6. This value is used to create a format string, such as "%f9.3" (digits=3), to pass to the function sprintf.
width an integer specifying the total field width. Used to create a format string, such as "%f9.3" (width=9), to pass to sprintf. Set width to a negative value to left justify the number in the field. (Setting flag="-" also left justifies the number.) If necessary, the result can have more characters than width.
format a character string.
real numbers integers strings
"f" "d" "s"
"e" "ld"
If both the format and the mode arguments are supplied, then format overrides mode. The default value is "ld" for integers, "g" for real numbers, and "s" for character strings.
  • Format "f" gives numbers in the '' format.
  • "e" and "E" give 'n.ddde+nn' or 'n.dddE+nn' (scientific format).
  • "g" and "G" put the number into scientific format only if it saves space to do so.
flag a character string. Contains one or more if these characters: '0+- #'. "0" pads with leading zeros, "-" means left alignment, "+" adds a plus sign on the front of the number, "#" causes an integer value to be followed by ".0".
mode one of the following character strings.
  • "double"
  • "real"
  • "character"
  • "integer"
The default value is determined from the storage mode of x.
big.mark a character. Used as a separator in the integer part of a number between the number of digits specified by big.interval.
big.interval an integer. Specifies the number of digits before the decimal point that are between the big.marks. The default value is 3, so that the big.mark is a thousands separator.
small.mark a character. Used between every small.interval number of digits after the decimal point.
small.interval an integer. Specifies the number of digits between the small.marks. The default value is 5.
decimal.mark a character. Used as the decimal mark separating the integer part of a number from the fractional part. The default is ".".
preserve.width a character string. Must be one of c("common", "individual", "none"). Indicates the width of the string to preserve.
zero.print a character string, a logical value, or NULL. Indicates how zeros should be formatted.
drop0trailing a logical value. If TRUE, the trailing zeros are dropped. The default is FALSE.
is.cmplx a logical value. If TRUE, character input is assumed to represent complex numbers. If NA (the default), it analyzes the input to to determine if it is complex numbers.
... additional arguments to be passed to or from future functions.
returns a character vector of the same length of x, where each input value has been formatted.
Kernighan, B. W. and Ritchie, D. M. 1988. The C Programming Language. Second edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
See Also
format, sprintf.
formatC(12341234.1234, digits=2, big.mark=",", format="f")
formatC(12341234.1234, digits=4, format="g")
formatC(1.234*10^c(-7,-4,0,3,6), digits=3, format="g")
prettyNum("123.89", decimal.mark=",")
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