Get DLLs Loaded in Current Session


Retrieves information about loaded DLLs, prints the retrieved information, and extracts the native symbol information from a DLL.


print.DLLInfo(x, ...)
print.DLLInfoList(x, ...)
$.DLLInfo(x, name)


x an object of class "DLLInfo" or "DLLInfoList".
name a name specifying the symbol to extract.
... other optional arguments passed to print functions.


getLoadedDLLsreturns a list of the object class "DLLInfoList". Each element is a named list of the object of class "DLLInfo", representing the loaded DLL information in the current session. The list name is identical to the "name" component of the DLL information.

The object of class "DLLInfo" is also a named list containing following components.

name the short name of the DLL library.
path the fully-qualified path of the DLL library, including the name and extension.
dynamicLookup a logical flag indicating either registered and dynamic lookup values or just registered values, if there are any.
handle an external pointer (with a mode of "externalptr") to the handle of the DLL library, with the class "DLLHandle".
info an external pointer (with a mode of "externalptr") to the instance of the DLL information, with the class "DLLInfoReference".
print.DLLInforeturns x invisibly.
print.DLLInfoListreturns x invisibly.
$.DLLInforeturns a list of objects with the combined class "NativeSymbolInfo" and one class of "CRoutine", "CallRoutine", "FortranRoutine" or "ExternalRoutine", which is dependent on the symbol type. The object contains following components.
name a character string represented as a symbol name.
address an external pointer (with a mode of "externalptr") to the symbol with a class "NativeSymbol".
package the DLL information that contains the specifying symbol. An object of class "DLLInfo", as described above.
numParameters the number of arguments of the specifying symbol.
Lang, D. T. 2001. In search of C/C++ & Fortran Symbols. R News. Volume 1/3, pages 20-23, September 2001.
Writing R Extensions (for symbol registration). R Project.
See Also
print, $, getDLLRegisteredRoutines
ret <- getLoadedDLLs()
ret$stats$acf   # "acf" symbol info 
ret$stats$hclust   # "hclust" symbol info
Package base version 6.1.4-13
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