Pattern Matching for Raw Vectors


Searches for a raw pattern in a raw vector.


grepRaw(pattern, x, offset = 1L, = FALSE, value = FALSE,
        fixed = FALSE, all = FALSE, invert = FALSE)


pattern a raw vector specifying the pattern to search for. If this is not a raw vector, it is coerced with charToRaw(as.character(pattern)).
x a raw vector in which to search. If this is not a raw vector, it is coerced with charToRaw(as.character(x)).
offset a positive integer specifying the byte number in pattern where the search should be started. a logical value. If TRUE, letter case is ignored during matching. If FALSE (the default), the case is not ignored during matching.
value a logical value. If TRUE, the matched raw vector or a list of raw vectors is returned. If FALSE (the default), an integer vector of matched offsets is returned. If value is FALSE, invert=TRUE is ignored (with a warning).
fixed a logical value. If TRUE, the pattern is interpreted as a literal sequence of bytes to match. If FALSE (the default), the pattern is interpreted as a regular expression. If fixed is TRUE, is ignored (with a warning).
all a logical value. If TRUE, all matches are returned. If FALSE (the default), only the first match is returned.
invert a logical value. If TRUE, return items that do not match the pattern. If FALSE (the default), return the items that match the patten.


Unlike grep, grepRaw searches for matches of a raw pattern in a raw vector. It uses the TRE library (see agrep) from for pattern matching.
See Also
grep, agrep
grepRaw("live", "a live b") # returns the matched offset
grepRaw("live", "a live b", fixed = TRUE) # returns the matched offset
grepRaw("live", "a live b", value = TRUE) # returns the matched raw vector
grepRaw("live", "a live b", value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) # returns the un-matched raw vector
grepRaw("live", "a live b", all = TRUE, value = TRUE) #  returns the matched list of raw vectors

grepRaw("b$", "a live b") # returns the matched offset.

grepRaw("live", "a live b" , offset = 4) # no matching. returns empty integer(0) grepRaw("live", "a live b" , offset = 4, value = TRUE) # no matching. returns empty raw(0) grepRaw("live", "a live b" , offset = 4, value = TRUE, all = TRUE) # no matching. returns empty list()

grepRaw("love", "a LOVE b") # no matching grepRaw("love", "a LOVE b", = TRUE) # returns the matched offset

grepRaw("love", "a LOVE b", fixed = TRUE) # no matching grepRaw("love", "a LOVE b", fixed = TRUE, = TRUE) # no matching with a warning message: argument " = TRUE" will be ignored

grepRaw("live", "a live b", invert = TRUE) # returns the matched offset with warning message: argument "invert = TRUE" will be ignored.

Package base version 6.1.4-13
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