Reload Saved Datasets


Reloads objects (saved with the save function) from a dataset file or connection.


load(file, envir = parent.frame(), verbose = FALSE)


file a character string specifying the dataset's filename or connection object.
envir an environment where the loaded objects are assigned.
verbose a logical value. This argument is currently ignored.


This function supports the RData and (Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R-specific) SData formats.
The engine can load most files saved from R, with a few exceptions. If the file contains complicated model objects such as a glm model, the load might fail or the model might be corrupt. (Such models contain references to implementation-specific functions that are different between Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and R. Some non-trivial environments might also cause problems.)
If the file was not created with the save function, or if the file contains unsupported features, an error is displayed.
returns a character vector with the names of the loaded objects.
Side Effects
The loaded objects are assigned to the envir environment.
See Also
save, data
# Example to load from a file.
rm(list = ls())  
x <- runif(10)
y <- rnorm(10)
z <- lm(y~x)
a <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3)
save(list = ls(), file = "test.data", compress = "bzip2")
rm(list = ls())  
rm(list = ls())  

my_env <- new.env() load("test.data", my_env) # load to another environment ls(envir = my_env) unlink("test.data")

# Example to load from a connection rm(list = ls()) x <- runif(10) y <- rnorm(10) z <- lm(y~x) a <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3) save(list = ls(), file = "test.data") rm(list = ls()) con <- file("test.data", "rb") load(con) ls() close(con) unlink("test.data")

Package base version 6.1.4-13
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