Read and Write Data in DCF Format


Reads from or writes to a file in the Debian Control File format.


read.dcf(file, fields = NULL, all = FALSE, keep.white = NULL, overrideSuffix = "TERR")
write.dcf(x, file = "", append = FALSE, 
    indent = 0.1 * getOption("width"), 
    width = 0.9 * getOption("width"))


file either a character string naming a file or a connection object.
fields the fields to read. By default, reads all fields.
all a logical value. If TRUE, all occurrences of a field with the same name in a record are returned. If FALSE (the default), only the last occurrence of a field with a given name is returned.
keep.white A character vector (or NULL) giving the names of fields from which leading and trailing whitespace characters should not be removed, so the original formatting is retained.
overrideSuffix A character string or NULL to be used when the value of an entry in a dcf file depends on whether you are using open source R or Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R, originally abbreviated TERR. If not NULL, then this suffix is removed from all tags in the DCF file that end with overrideSuffix. Hence, tags identical except for the presence of a trailing overrideSuffix are considered identical. When all is FALSE the last of a set of identically tagged lines is taken as the value of the tag so if you place the line TagTERR: Value for use with Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R after Tag: value then Tag will have the value "Value for use with Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R" in Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and "value" in R.
x the object to write. If it is not a data.frame object, it is coerced to be a data.frame object with x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE).
append a logical value. If FALSE (the default), the contents of the existing file are deleted and the output overwrites the file. If TRUE, the output is appended to the file. If you want to append a new record to the file, you must add the separating empty line with a command such as cat(file=file, append=TRUE, "\n") between calls to write.dcf.
indent a nonnegative integer value. If the output for write.dcf exceeds the line width restriction specified by width, indent specifies the number of spaces to indent additional text on subsequent lines. (indent is passed to strwrap).
width a positive integer specifying the target column for wrapping lines in the output (width is passed to strwrap).


The DCF format stores the contents of databases as plain text files for easy reading. We use DCF to store system information (for example, descriptions, contents of packages, and so on).
read.dcf and write.dcf use the following rules for DCF files:
  • if all is FALSE, returns a character matrix with one column per unique field name and one row per record. The columns are named for the fields; the rows are unnamed. If a field in the file contains multiple lines, such entries are read in with newlines where line breaks in the original field were. If a field is not present for a record in the file, an entry for a that field name is set to NA_character_.
  • if all is TRUE, returns a data.frame with the same row and column structure as that returned when all is FALSE. All columns are character vectors unless a given field in a record contains a duplicate entry, in which case that column is a list of character strings.
write.dcfalways returns the value NULL.
See Also
# Make and read a DCF file with 2 records
x <- data.frame(
        Package=c("myPkg", "yourPkg"),
        Version=c("1.2-3", "2.1"),
        Description=c("A two 'paragraph`\n\ndescription of myPkg",
                      "yourPkg is useful"))
dcfFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "dcf.txt")
write.dcf(x, file=dcfFile)
cat(sep="\n", readLines(dcfFile))
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