Finalization of Objects


Registers a function to be called on object finalization.


reg.finalizer(e, f, onexit = FALSE)


e an environment or an external pointer.
f a single-argument finalization function. The object e will be passed to the function when the object e is no longer in use and has been garbage collected.
onexit a logical value. If TRUE, the finalizer is called at the end of a session if the object is still alive. If FALSE (the default), it clears the finalizer on exit.


reg.finalizer registers a single-argument function that is called when the object e is no longer in use and has been garbage collected. Or, if onexit=TRUE, at the end of the session if the object is still alive.
The finalizer function is evaluated with user interrupts suspended (see suspendInterrupts).
returns NULL.
Differences between Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and Open-source R
The argument e can be any type of object in Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R.
See Also
e <- new.env()
reg.finalizer(e, function(x) print("collection is invoked..."))
invisible(gc()) # The environment in e is still alive
e <- NULL       # Now the environment is dead
invisible(gc()) # ...and gets collected
# [1] "collection is invoked..."

e <- new.env() reg.finalizer(e, function(x) print("collection is invoked..."), onexit = TRUE) invisible(gc()) # The environment in e is still alive # q() # When the session ends, the function will run...

Package base version 6.1.4-13
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