Slice Identification in an Array


Returns an array filled with integers, each of which identifies where in the current slice it is. This is a generalization of the row and col functions: row(x) can be expressed as slice.index(x,1) and col(x) can be expressed as slice.index(x,2).


slice.index(x, MARGIN)


x An array or data.frame. If x has no dimensions, it is considered to be a one dimensional array.
MARGIN An integer vector giving the dimension numbers by which to slice.
returns an array with the same dimensions as x. The subarray result[...,i,...], where i is the MARGINth dimension is filled with the value i.
See Also
apply, col, rep, row, split.
x <- array(data=101:124, dim=c(4, 3, 2)) 
slice.index(x, 1) 
slice.index(x, 3) 
split(x, f = slice.index(x, 2)) # compare to x[,1,], x[,2,], x[,3,] 
slice.index(x, c(3,1))
Package base version 6.1.4-13
Package Index