Functions for Handling Unimplemented Functions and Arguments


These functions are wrappers around warning and stop to be used in cases where functions or arguments are not yet implemented.


unimplementedWarning(argument, message, value)
unimplementedStop(argument, message, value)


argumenta character string specifying the name of the unimplemented argument
messagea character string specifying an optional message to be displayed
valuea character string specifyingthe specific value of an argument that is unimplemented


unimplementedWarning and unimplementedStop differ only in that the former provides a warning and the latter an error.
If the argument argument is not supplied, implies the entire function is unimplemented.
The value argument is used alongside the argument argument if only specific value(s) of the argument are not implemented.
The message argument is appended to the message that the function or argument is unimplemented. This is typically used for providing information about the default or fallback behavior to the user.
The character string that contains the unimplemented message, which is invisible.
Side Effects
See warning or stop.
See Also
warning, link{stop}, link{suppressWarnings}.
## Not run:  
# for unimplemented functions
unimplementedStop(message="use xyz function instead")
unimplementedWarning(message="no output will be generated")

# for unimplemented arguments unimplementedStop("xyz") unimplementedWarning("plot") unimplementedStop(argument="type", value="\"abc\"") unimplementedWarning("plot", value="TRUE", message="no plots will be generated") ## End(Not run)

Package base version 6.1.4-13
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