Fit a GLM without Computing the Model Matrix


Fits a glm model without computing the model matrix or the response vector.

Usage, y, weights = rep(1, nobs), start = NULL, etastart = NULL,
    mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, nobs), family = gaussian(),
    control = list(), intercept = TRUE)


x a model matrix (design matrix).
y a response vector or object understood by family\$initialize.
weights optional prior weights. The default value is to set to a vector whose value is 1 and whose length is the row number of y(nobs).
start an optional vector. Used as the starting values for the parameters in the linear predictor. Its length should equal the column number of x.
etastart an optional vector. Used as the starting values for the the linear predictor.
mustart optional. Used as the starting values for the vector of means.
offset optional offset added to the linear predictor. The default is a vector whose value is 0 and whose length is the row number of y(nobs).
family a family object, for example, as produced by binomial. (The default is gaussian.)
control a list. Used as the parameters in the control of the process of fitting.
intercept a logical flag. If TRUE (the default), an intercept is included.


This function is useful for simulations or bootstrapping, where you use the same data frame repeatedly. Using for bootstrapping saves a large amount of computational time, because it only fits a glm model and does not create the model matrix. Thus, no formula needs to be specified as an argument. The function is called internally by glm to do the actual model fitting.
The function is the workhorse for glm, and it is named as the default method in the definition of glm. It receives x and y data rather than a formula, but it still uses the family object to define the IRLS steps. You can write your own version of, and then pass the name of the function via the method argument to glm. Be careful to include as many of the arguments as feasible, but definitely the ... argument, which absorbs any additional arguments given in the call from glm. Optionally, you can pass the name of the method as a "method" attribute of the family argument. For example, you can use this to define a cox family with the "method" attribute "", and glm automatically looks for a fitting function and uses it instead of
returns a list object that is a subset of a glm object. In particular, some of the extractor functions like summary.glm produce appropriate output.
See Also
glm, glm.control, glm.object, summary.glm.
xrock <- cbind(1, rock[, c("peri", "shape", "perm")])
yrock <- rock[, "area"]
glmrock <-, yrock, family=poisson())
# Above result is the same as:
coef(glm(area ~ ., data=rock, family=poisson))
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