The Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R stats Package
Package description
.getXlevelsRecord Levels of Factors Used in a Model
.lm.fitGeneral fitting for linear (regression) models
.preformat.tsPrint a Time Series
[.termsModify Terms Objects
[[.dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
acfAuto- and Cross- Covariance or Correlation Estimation
add.scopeResolve Scopes for Formulas
add1Compute Models by Adding One Term
add1.defaultCompute Models by Adding One Term
add1.glmAdd a Single Term to a Linear Model
add1.lmAdd a Single Term to a Linear Model
addmarginsPuts Arbitrary Margins on Multidimensional Tables or Arrays
aggregateCompute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data Column-by-Column Summaries of Groups of Observations
aggregate.defaultCompute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
aggregate.formulaCompute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
aggregate.tsCompute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
AICAkaike's Information Criterion
anovaAnova Tables
anova.glmAnalysis of Deviance for Generalized Linear Model Fits
anova.glmlistAnalysis of Deviance for Generalized Linear Model Fits
anova.lmAnova Table for Linear Model Objects
anova.lmlistApply anova to a lmlist Object
aovFit an Analysis of Variance Model
aov.objectAnalysis of Variance Objects
aovlist.objectAnalysis of Variance Objects
approxInterpolation Functions
approxfunInterpolation Functions
arFit Autoregressive Models to Time Series
ar.ywFit Autoregressive Models to Time Series
arimaARIMA Modelling of Time Series
arima.simSimulate a Univariate ARIMA Series Contingency Tables
as.dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
as.dendrogram.dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
as.dendrogram.hclustGeneral Tree Structures
as.distDistance Matrix Calculation
as.dist.defaultDistance Matrix Calculation
as.formulaDefine or Extract a Model Formula
as.hclustConverts Objects to Class hclust
as.hclust.defaultConverts Objects to Class hclust
as.hclust.dendrogramConverts Objects to Class hclust
as.hclust.twinsConverts Objects to Class hclust
as.matrix.distDistance Matrix Calculation
as.stepfunCompute a Step Function
as.stepfun.isoregIsotonic / Monotone Regression
as.table.ftableFlat Contingency Tables
as.termsCreate or Extract a Terms Object
as.tsTime Series Objects
asOneSidedFormulaConvert to One-Sided Formula
aveGroup Averages Over Level Combinations of Factors
bartlett.testBartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances
bartlett.test.defaultBartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances
bartlett.test.formulaBartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances
BetaThe Beta Distribution
BICAkaike's Information Criterion
binom.testExact Binomial Test
BinomialGenerate a Family Object
Box.testBox-Pierce and Ljung-Box Tests
CAssign Contrasts to a Factor
cancorCanonical Correlation Analysis
CauchyThe Cauchy Distribution
cbind.tsUnion and Intersection of Time Series
ccfAuto- and Cross- Covariance or Correlation Estimation
chisq.testPearson's Chi-square Test for Count Data
ChisquareThe Chi-square Distribution
cmdscaleClassical Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling
coefExtract Information from a Model
coef.Arima2ARIMA Modelling of Time Series
coef.defaultExtract Information from a Model
coef.listofExtract Information from a Model
coefficientsExtract Information from a Model
complete.casesFind Complete Cases of Observations
confintConfidence Intervals for Model Parameters
confint.defaultConfidence Intervals for Model Parameters
contr.helmertContrast or Dummy Variable Matrix
contr.polyContrast or Dummy Variable Matrix
contr.SASContrast or Dummy Variable Matrix
contr.sumContrast or Dummy Variable Matrix
contr.treatmentContrast or Dummy Variable Matrix
contrastsContrasts Attribute
contrasts<-Contrasts Attribute
cooks.distanceRegression Deletion Diagnostics
cooks.distance.glmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
cooks.distance.lmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
copheneticCophenetic Distances for a Hierarchical Clustering
cophenetic.defaultCophenetic Distances for a Hierarchical Clustering
cophenetic.dendrogramCophenetic Distances for a Hierarchical Clustering
corCorrelation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
cor.testTest for Correlation Between Paired Samples
cor.test.defaultTest for Correlation Between Paired Samples
cor.test.formulaTest for Correlation Between Paired Samples
covCorrelation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
cov.wtWeighted Covariance Estimation
cov2corCorrelation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
covratioRegression Deletion Diagnostics
cut.dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
cutreeCreate Groups from Hierarchical Clustering
cycleCreate Time Vector or Index of Frequency
cycle.defaultCreate Time Vector or Index of Frequency
dbetaThe Beta Distribution
dbinomThe Binomial Distribution
dcauchyThe Cauchy Distribution
dchisqThe Chi-square Distribution
decomposeClassical Seasonal Decomposition by Moving Averages
delete.responseModify Terms Objects
dendrapplyApply a Function to All Nodes of a Dendrogram
dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
densityKernel Estimate of Probability Density Function
density.defaultKernel Estimate of Probability Density Function
derivSymbolic Partial Derivatives of Expressions
deriv.defaultSymbolic Partial Derivatives of Expressions
deriv.formulaSymbolic Partial Derivatives of Expressions
deriv3Symbolic Partial Derivatives of Expressions
deriv3.defaultSymbolic Partial Derivatives of Expressions
deriv3.formulaSymbolic Partial Derivatives of Expressions
devianceDeviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.defaultDeviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.glmDeviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.lmDeviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.mlmDeviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.nlsDeviance of a Fitted Model
dexpThe Exponential Distribution
dfThe F Distribution
df.residualExtract Residual Degrees of Freedom from a Model
DF2formulaDefine or Extract a Model Formula
dfbetaRegression Deletion Diagnostics
dfbeta.lmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
dfbetasRegression Deletion Diagnostics
dfbetas.lmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
dffitsRegression Deletion Diagnostics
dgammaThe Gamma Distribution
dgeomThe Geometric Distribution
dhyperThe Hypergeometric Distribution
diffinvDiscrete Integration: inverse of diff
diffinv.defaultDiscrete Integration: inverse of diff
diffinv.tsDiscrete Integration: inverse of diff
distDistance Matrix Calculation
dlnormThe Lognormal Distribution
dlogisThe Logistic Distribution
dmultinomThe Multinomial Distribution
dnbinomThe Negative Binomial Distribution
dnormThe Normal Distribution
dpoisThe Poisson Distribution
drop.scopeResolve Scopes for Formulas
drop.termsModify Terms Objects
drop1Investigate models by dropping single terms
drop1.defaultInvestigate models by dropping single terms
drop1.glmInvestigate models by dropping single terms
drop1.lmInvestigate models by dropping single terms
dsignrankDistribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
dtThe Student's t Distribution
dummy.coefExtract Original Coefficients from a Linear Model
dummy.coef.aovlistExtract Original Coefficients from a Linear Model
dummy.coef.lmExtract Original Coefficients from a Linear Model
dunifThe Uniform Distribution
dweibullThe Weibull Distribution
dwilcoxThe Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
ecdfEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function
eff.aovlistCompute Efficiency Factors for aovlist Model Terms
effectsSingle Degree-of-freedom Effects from a Fitted Model
effects.glmSingle Degree-of-freedom Effects from a Fitted Model
effects.lmSingle Degree-of-freedom Effects from a Fitted Model
estVarSSD Matrix and Estimated Variance Matrix in Multivariate Models
estVar.mlmSSD Matrix and Estimated Variance Matrix in Multivariate Models
estVar.SSDSSD Matrix and Estimated Variance Matrix in Multivariate Models
expand.model.frameAdd new variables to a model frame
ExponentialThe Exponential Distribution
extractAICExtract AIC from a Fitted Model
extractAIC.glmExtract AIC from a Fitted Model
extractAIC.lmExtract AIC from a Fitted Model
factanalEstimate a Factor Analysis Model
factor.scopeResolve Scopes for Formulas
familyGenerate a Family Object
family.objectFamily of GLM Models
FDistThe F Distribution
fftFast Fourier Transform
filterApply a Filter to a Time Series
fisher.testFisher's Exact Test for Count Data
fittedExtract Information from a Model
fitted.defaultExtract Information from a Model
fitted.isoregIsotonic / Monotone Regression
fitted.kmeansK-Means Clustering
fitted.valuesExtract Information from a Model
fivenumTukey Five-Number Summaries
format.distDistance Matrix Calculation
format.ftableFlat Contingency Tables
formulaDefine or Extract a Model Formula
formula.callDefine or Extract a Model Formula
formula.characterDefine or Extract a Model Formula or Extract a Model Formula
formula.defaultDefine or Extract a Model Formula
formula.formulaDefine or Extract a Model Formula
formula.lmDefine or Extract a Model Formula
formula.nlsDefine or Extract a Model Formula
formula.termsDefine or Extract a Model Formula
friedman.testFriedman Rank Sum Test
friedman.test.defaultFriedman Rank Sum Test
friedman.test.formulaFriedman Rank Sum Test
ftableFlat Contingency Tables
ftable.defaultFlat Contingency Tables
ftable.formulaFlat Contingency Tables
GammaGenerate a Family Object
GammaDistThe Gamma Distribution
gaussianGenerate a Family Object
GeometricThe Geometric Distribution
get_all_varsConstruct or Extract a Model Frame
getCallUpdate a Fitted Model Object
getInitialGet Initial Parameter Estimates for Nonlinear Least Squares Models.
getInitial.defaultGet Initial Parameter Estimates for Nonlinear Least Squares Models.
getInitial.formulaGet Initial Parameter Estimates for Nonlinear Least Squares Models.
getInitial.selfStartGet Initial Parameter Estimates for Nonlinear Least Squares Models.
glmFit a Generalized Linear Model
glm.controlSet Control Parameters for Generalized Linear Model
glm.fitFit a GLM without Computing the Model Matrix
glm.objectGeneralized Linear Model Object
hatHat Diagonal Regression Diagnostic
hatvaluesRegression Deletion Diagnostics
hatvalues.lmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
hclustHierarchical Clustering
HoltWintersHolt-Winters Filtering
HypergeometricThe Hypergeometric Distribution
influenceRegression Diagnostics
influence.glmRegression Diagnostics
influence.lmRegression Diagnostics
influence.measuresRegression Deletion Diagnostics
integrateIntegral of a Real-valued Function
inverse.gaussianGenerate a Family Object
is.empty.modelDoes a Model Contain any Predictors
is.leafGeneral Tree Structures
is.mtsTime Series Objects
is.stepfunCompute a Step Function
is.tsTime Series Objects
isoregIsotonic / Monotone Regression
kmeansK-Means Clustering
knotsCompute a Step Function
kruskal.testKruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test
kruskal.test.defaultKruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test
kruskal.test.formulaKruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test
ks.testKolmogorov-Smirnov Tests
ksmoothKernel Regression Smoother
labels.dendrogramID Numbers or Labels of the Leaves in a Dendrogram
labels.distDistance Matrix Calculation
lagCreate a Lagged Time Series
lineRobust Line Fitting
lmFit Linear Regression Model
lm.fitGeneral fitting for linear (regression) models
lm.influenceRegression Diagnostics
lm.objectLinear Least Squares Model Object
lm.wfitGeneral fitting for linear (regression) models
loadingsExtract Loadings from an Object
loessFit a Local Regression Model
loess.controlComputational Options for Loess Fitting
loess.objectLoess Model Object
loess.smoothSmooth Loess Curve
LogisticThe Logistic Distribution
logLikExtract Log-Likelihood
logLik.lmExtract Log-Likelihood
logLik.nlsExtract Log-Likelihood
loglinContingency Table Analysis
LognormalThe Lognormal Distribution
lowessScatter Plot Smoothing
lsfitLinear Least-Squares Fit
madRobust Estimates of Scale
mahalanobisMahalanobis Distance
make.linkCreate a Link for GLM Families
make.tables.aovprojSupport for model.tables Functions.
make.tables.aovprojlistSupport for model.tables Functions.
makepredictcallUtility Function for Safe Prediction
makepredictcall.defaultUtility Function for Safe Prediction
makepredictcall.matrixUtility Function for Safe Prediction
makepredictcall.polyUtility Function for Safe Prediction
mantelhaen.testMantel-Haenszel Chi-Square Test for Count Data
maov.objectAnalysis of Variance Objects
mcnemar.testMcNemar's Chi-Square Test for Count Data
medpolishMedian Polish of a Matrix
mlm.objectLinear Least Squares Model Object
model.extractExtract Special Information from Model Frame
model.frameConstruct or Extract a Model Frame
model.frame.aovlistConstruct or Extract a Model Frame
model.frame.defaultConstruct or Extract a Model Frame
model.frame.lmConstruct or Extract a Model Frame
model.matrixMatrix of Predictors
model.matrix.defaultMatrix of Predictors
model.matrix.objectMatrix of Predictors
model.offsetExtract Special Information from Model Frame
model.responseExtract Special Information from Model Frame
model.tablesCompute Tables of Estimates for Model Object
model.tables.aovCompute Tables of Estimates for Model Object
model.tables.aovlistCompute Tables of Estimates for Model Object
model.weightsExtract Special Information from Model Frame
MultinomialThe Multinomial Distribution
mvfftFast Fourier Transform
na.actionHandle Missing Values in Objects
na.action.defaultHandle Missing Values in Objects
na.contiguousFind Longest Contiguous Stretch of non-NAs
na.contiguous.defaultFind Longest Contiguous Stretch of non-NAs
na.contiguous.tsFind Longest Contiguous Stretch of non-NAs
na.excludeHandle Missing Values in Objects Missing Values in Objects
na.exclude.defaultHandle Missing Values in Objects
na.failHandle Missing Values in Objects Missing Values in Objects
na.omitHandle Missing Values in Objects Missing Values in Objects
na.omit.defaultHandle Missing Values in Objects
na.passHandle Missing Values in Objects
napredictAdjust for Missing Values
napredict.defaultAdjust for Missing Values
napredict.excludeAdjust for Missing Values
napredict.NULLAdjust for Missing Values
naprintPrint Missing Value Information
naprint.defaultPrint Missing Value Information
naprint.excludePrint Missing Value Information
naprint.omitPrint Missing Value Information
naresidAdjust for Missing Values
naresid.defaultAdjust for Missing Values
naresid.excludeAdjust for Missing Values
naresid.NULLAdjust for Missing Values
NegBinomialThe Negative Binomial Distribution
nextnHighly Composite Numbers
nlmNon-Linear Minimization
nlminbNonlinear Minimization subject to Box Constraints
nlsNonlinear Least Squares Regression
nls.controlControl the Iteration in nls()
NLSstAsymptoticFit the Asymptotic Regression Model
NLSstAsymptotic.sortedXyDataFit the Asymptotic Regression Model
NLSstClosestXInverse Interpolation
NLSstClosestX.sortedXyDataInverse Interpolation
NLSstLfAsymptoteHorizontal Asymptote on the Left Side
NLSstLfAsymptote.sortedXyDataHorizontal Asymptote on the Left Side
NLSstRtAsymptoteHorizontal Asymptote on the Right Side
NLSstRtAsymptote.sortedXyDataHorizontal Asymptote on the Right Side
nobsExtract the Number of Observations from a Fit
nobs.defaultExtract the Number of Observations from a Fit
nobs.glmExtract the Number of Observations from a Fit
nobs.lmExtract the Number of Observations from a Fit
nobs.nlsExtract the Number of Observations from a Fit
NormalThe Normal Distribution
numericDerivEvaluate derivatives numerically
offsetSet an Offset Value in a Modelling Formula
oneway.testTest for Equal Means in a One-Way Layout
optimGeneral-purpose Optimization
optimHessNumerically Estimate Hessian Matrix
optimiseUnivariate Optimization of a Function
optimizeUnivariate Optimization of a Function
order.dendrogramID Numbers or Labels of the Leaves in a Dendrogram
p.adjustAdjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons
p.adjust.methodsAdjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons
pacfAuto- and Cross- Covariance or Correlation Estimation
pbetaThe Beta Distribution
pbinomThe Binomial Distribution
pcauchyThe Cauchy Distribution
pchisqThe Chi-square Distribution
pexpThe Exponential Distribution
pfThe F Distribution
pgammaThe Gamma Distribution
pgeomThe Geometric Distribution
phyperThe Hypergeometric Distribution
plnormThe Lognormal Distribution
plogisThe Logistic Distribution
plot.dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
plot.ecdfEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function
pnbinomThe Negative Binomial Distribution
pnormThe Normal Distribution
PoissonGenerate a Family Object
polyCompute Orthogonal Polynomials
polymCompute Orthogonal Polynomials
powerGenerate a Power Link Object
ppointsPlotting Points for Quantile-Quantile Plots
ppoisThe Poisson Distribution
predictMake Predictions from a Fitted Model Object
predict.arFit Autoregressive Models to Time Series
predict.glmPredict Method for a Generalized Linear Model
predict.HoltWintersHolt-Winters Filtering
predict.lmPredict Method for a Linear Model
predict.loessEvaluation of Local Regression Surfaces
predict.mlmPredict Method for a Linear Model
predict.nlsPredicting from Nonlinear Least Squares Fits
predict.polyCompute Orthogonal Polynomials
predict.princompPrincipal Component Scores
predict.smooth.splineSmoothing Spline at New Data
princompPrincipal Components Analysis
princomp.defaultPrincipal Components Analysis
princomp.formulaPrincipal Components Analysis
print.anovaPrint an anova Object
print.aovFit an Analysis of Variance Model
print.aovlistFit an Analysis of Variance Model
print.arFit Autoregressive Models to Time Series
print.Arima2ARIMA Modelling of Time Series
print.dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
print.distDistance Matrix Calculation
print.dummy_coefExtract Original Coefficients from a Linear Model
print.dummy_coef_listExtract Original Coefficients from a Linear Model
print.ecdfEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function
print.factanalEstimate a Factor Analysis Model
print.familyUse print() on a family Object
print.formulaUse print() on a formula Object
print.ftableFlat Contingency Tables
print.hclustHierarchical Clustering
print.HoltWintersHolt-Winters Filtering
print.inflRegression Deletion Diagnostics
print.isoregIsotonic / Monotone Regression
print.kmeansK-Means Clustering
print.lmUse print() on an lm Object
print.loadingsPrint a Loadings Matrix
print.logLikExtract Log-Likelihood
print.medpolishMedian Polish of a Matrix
print.mtableCompute Tables of Estimates for Model Object
print.princompPrint a Principal Components Object
print.stepfunCompute a Step Function
print.summary.aovSummary of an Analysis of Variance Object
print.summary.aovlistSummary of an Analysis of Variance Object
print.summary.lmSummary Method for Linear Models
print.summary.mlmSummary Method for Linear Models
print.summary.princompPrint a Principal Component Summary
print.tables_aovCompute Tables of Estimates for Model Object
print.tsPrint a Time Series
print.tukeylineRobust Line Fitting
printCoefmatPrint Coefficient Matrices
projProjection Matrix
proj.aovProjection Matrix
proj.aovlistProjection Matrix
proj.defaultProjection Matrix
proj.lmProjection Matrix
prop.testProportions Tests
psignrankDistribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
ptThe Student's t Distribution
ptukeyThe Studentized Range Distribution
punifThe Uniform Distribution
pweibullThe Weibull Distribution
pwilcoxThe Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
qbetaThe Beta Distribution
qbinomThe Binomial Distribution
qcauchyThe Cauchy Distribution
qchisqThe Chi-square Distribution
qexpThe Exponential Distribution
qfThe F Distribution
qgammaThe Gamma Distribution
qgeomThe Geometric Distribution
qhyperThe Hypergeometric Distribution
qlnormThe Lognormal Distribution
qlogisThe Logistic Distribution
qnbinomThe Negative Binomial Distribution
qnormThe Normal Distribution
qpoisThe Poisson Distribution
qqnormNormal Quantile-Quantile Plots
qqnorm.defaultNormal Quantile-Quantile Plots
qsignrankDistribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
qtThe Student's t Distribution
qtukeyThe Studentized Range Distribution
quantileEmpirical Quantiles
quantile.ecdfEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function
quasiGenerate a Family Object
quasibinomialGenerate a Family Object
quasipoissonGenerate a Family Object
qunifThe Uniform Distribution
qweibullThe Weibull Distribution
qwilcoxThe Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
r2dtableRandom Two-way Tables with Given Marginals
rbetaThe Beta Distribution
rbinomThe Binomial Distribution
rcauchyThe Cauchy Distribution
rchisqThe Chi-square Distribution
reformulateModify Terms Objects
relevelReorder Levels of Factor
relevel.defaultReorder Levels of Factor
relevel.factorReorder Levels of Factor
relevel.orderedReorder Levels of Factor
reorderReorder Levels of a Factor
reorder.defaultReorder Levels of a Factor
reorder.dendrogramReorder a Dendrogram
replicationsNumber of Replications of Terms
reshapeReshape Grouped Data
residExtract Information from a Model
residualsExtract Information from a Model
residuals.defaultExtract Information from a Model
residuals.glmCompute Residuals for glm Objects
residuals.HoltWintersHolt-Winters Filtering
residuals.isoregIsotonic / Monotone Regression
rexpThe Exponential Distribution
rfThe F Distribution
rgammaThe Gamma Distribution
rgeomThe Geometric Distribution
rhyperThe Hypergeometric Distribution
rlnormThe Lognormal Distribution
rlogisThe Logistic Distribution
rmultinomThe Multinomial Distribution
rnbinomThe Negative Binomial Distribution
rnormThe Normal Distribution
rpoisThe Poisson Distribution
rsignrankDistribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
rstandardRegression Deletion Diagnostics
rstandard.glmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
rstandard.lmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
rstudentRegression Deletion Diagnostics
rstudent.glmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
rstudent.lmRegression Deletion Diagnostics
rtThe Student's t Distribution
runifThe Uniform Distribution
rweibullThe Weibull Distribution
rwilcoxThe Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
sdCompute Standard Deviation
se.aovStandard Error of AOV Objects
se.aovlistStandard Error of AOV Objects
se.contrast.aovStandard Errors for Contrasts between Means
se.contrast.aovlistStandard Errors for Contrasts between Means
selfStartConstruct Self-starting Nonlinear Models
selfStart.defaultConstruct Self-starting Nonlinear Models
selfStart.formulaConstruct Self-starting Nonlinear Models
setNamesAttach a names attribute to an object
shapiro.testShapiro-Wilk Test for Normality
sigmaExtract Residual Standard Deviation
sigma.defaultExtract Residual Standard Deviation
SignRankDistribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
smoothNonlinear Smoothing Using Running Medians
smooth.splineFit a Smoothing Spline
splineInterpolating Splines
splinefunInterpolating Splines
splinefunHInterpolating Splines
SSasympAsymptotic Regression Model
SSasympOffAsymptotic Regression Model
SSasympOrigAsymptotic Regression Model
SSbiexpBiexponential Model: The Sum of Two Exponentials
SSDSSD Matrix and Estimated Variance Matrix in Multivariate Models
SSD.mlmSSD Matrix and Estimated Variance Matrix in Multivariate Models
SSfolFirst-order Compartment Model
SSfplFour-parameter Logistic Model
SSgompertzSelf-Starting Nls Gompertz Growth Model
SSlogisFitting a Logistic Curve
SSmicmenMichaelis-Menten Model
SSweibullSelf-Starting Nls Weibull Growth Curve Model
stat.anovaAdd Statistics Columns to an Anova Table
stepfunCompute a Step Function
str.dendrogramGeneral Tree Structures
str.logLikExtract Log-Likelihood
summary.aovSummary of an Analysis of Variance Object
summary.aovlistSummary of an Analysis of Variance Object
summary.ecdfEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function
summary.glmSummary Method for Fitted Generalized Linear Models
summary.inflRegression Deletion Diagnostics
summary.lmSummary Method for Linear Models
summary.mlmSummary Method for Linear Models
summary.nlsSummary of an nls Model Object
summary.princompSummary of a Principal Components Object
summary.stepfunCompute a Step Function
supsmuScatter Plot Smoothing Using Super Smoother
symnumSymbolic Number Coding
t.testStudent's t-test
t.test.defaultStudent's t-test
t.test.formulaStudent's t-test
TDistThe Student's t Distribution
termsCreate or Extract a Terms Object
terms.aovlistCreate or Extract a Terms Object
terms.defaultCreate or Extract a Terms Object
terms.formulaCreate or Extract a Terms Object
terms.objectClass of Objects for Terms in a Model
terms.termsCreate or Extract a Terms Object
timeCreate Time Vector or Index of Frequency
time.defaultCreate Time Vector or Index of Frequency
toeplitzForm Symmetric Toeplitz Matrix
tsTime Series Objects
ts.intersectUnion and Intersection of Time Series
ts.unionUnion and Intersection of Time Series
TukeyThe Studentized Range Distribution
UniformThe Uniform Distribution
unirootFind a Root of a Univariate Function
updateUpdate a Fitted Model Object
update.defaultUpdate a Fitted Model Object
update.formulaUpdate a Fitted Model Object
varCorrelation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
var.testF Test to Compare Two Variances
var.test.defaultF Test to Compare Two Variances
var.test.formulaF Test to Compare Two Variances
vcovVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Estimated Coefficients
vcov.Arima2ARIMA Modelling of Time Series
vcov.glmVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Estimated Coefficients
vcov.lmVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Estimated Coefficients
vcov.mlmVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Estimated Coefficients
vcov.nlsVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Estimated Coefficients
vcov.summary.glmVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Estimated Coefficients
vcov.summary.lmVariance-Covariance Matrix of the Estimated Coefficients
WeibullThe Weibull Distribution
weighted.meanCompute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.DateCompute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.defaultCompute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.difftimeCompute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.POSIXctCompute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.POSIXltCompute Weighted Mean
weightsExtract Model Weights
weights.defaultExtract Model Weights
weights.glmExtract Model Weights
wilcox.testWilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Tests
wilcox.test.defaultWilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Tests
wilcox.test.formulaWilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Tests
WilcoxonThe Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
windowWindow a Time Series
window.defaultWindow a Time Series
window.tsWindow a Time Series
window<-Window a Time Series
window<-.tsWindow a Time Series
xtabsCross Tabulation
Package stats version 6.1.4-13
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