Loess Model Object


Classes of objects resulting from fitting loess model objects.
n the number of observations
fitted surface evaluated at the observed values of the predictors.
residuals response minus fitted values.
enp the equivalent number of parameters used in the model.
s the residual standard error for the model.
one.delta a numeric value used in prediction.
two.delta a numeric value used in prediction.
trace.hat an approximation of the trace of the hat matrix.
divisor a vector of values used to normalize the predictors.
robust the vector of robust weights
pars a list of the parameters used in the fitting.
kd a list containing information about the kd tree used in the fitting. Used for predictions.
call an image of the call that produced the object, but with the arguments all named and with the actual formula included as the formula argument.
terms an object of mode expression and class term summarizing the formula. Used by various methods, but typically not of direct relevance to users.
xnames the names of the predictors.
x the matrix of predictors.
y the response variable.
weights the weights used in the fit.
model the model frame for the model. This is only included if model = TRUE was set in the call.
This class of objects is returned from the loess function to represent a fitted local regression model.
Objects of this class have methods for the functions print, summary, predict, and anova functions, among others.
See Also
loess, predict.loess, loess.control
Package stats version 6.1.4-13
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