Support for model.tables Functions.


Supports the model.tables.aov and model.tables.aovlist functions and is not intended to be called directly by users.


make.tables.aovproj(proj.cols, mf.cols, prjs, mf, fun = "mean", 
    prt = FALSE, ...)

make.tables.aovprojlist(proj.cols, strata.cols, model.cols, projections, model, eff, fun = "mean", prt = FALSE, ...)


proj.cols a list of projection columns.
mf.cols, model.cols a list of model frame columns.
prjs, projections a projections object that is returned by the proj function.
mf, model a model frame object.
fun a function, character string, or symbol that gives the name of the function to be passed to tapply.
prt a logical value. If TRUE, each component in the returned table is printed.
... other arguments to pass to the print function. Enabled when prt = TRUE.
strata.cols a list for attribute of "strata".
eff a vector of efficient?
returns a table that is a vector with list components.
These two functions are used internally by model.tables.aov and model.tables.aovlist and are not intended to be called directly by users. For more information see the help for the respective function.
Package stats version 6.1.4-13
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