Print Missing Value Information


Prints details, such as the number of rows omitted, that are derived from missing value information.


naprint(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
naprint(x, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'exclude':
naprint(x, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'omit':
naprint(x, ...)


x An object created by an na.action function such as na.exclude. Typically this is a component of a model object for which an na.action was specified.
... Other methods may use more arguments, but the basic methods listed here do not.


Calls to this function should be added to the print and print.summary methods for modeling functions using an na.action.
This function is an S Version 3 generic and includes method functions naprint.default, naprint.exclude, and naprint.omit.
returns a character string that provides a message with missing value information such as the number of rows omitted.
See Also
na.exclude, naresid

df <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = (1:5)^2, c = c((1:4)^2, NA), d = c((1:3)^2, NA, NA)) naprint(attr(na.exclude(df), "na.action")) naprint(na.action(na.omit(df))) naprint(na.action(na.pass(df)))

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