Print a Loadings Matrix


Prints a loadings matrix with blanks substituted for numbers that are less than the number specified in cutoff.


print.loadings(x, digits = 3, cutoff = 0.1, sort = FALSE, ...)


x a numerical matrix especially one of class loadings.
digits an integer that specifies the number of digits after the decimal place, default value is 3.
cutoff a number that specifies the lowest value of an element to display in the matrix. A blank will be substituted for any element with an absolute value that is less than the cutoff number.
sort a logical value. Default is FALSE, when TRUE, the matrix is sorted by row according to those column positions in which element has a maximal absolute value in each row.

For example, in a 4 x 5 matrix, the column positions with maximal absolute value in each row could be c( 3, 1, 5, 3), then the original second row of matrix will be sorted to the first row and the original third row of matrix will be moved to the last row.

Especially, when the maximal absolute value is less than 0.5, the row it is resident must be sorted to the most bottom of rows.


This is the loadings method for the generic function print.
returns x invisibly.
Side Effects
a matrix is printed with the numbers rounded according to the digits argument and with blanks in the place of the elements whose absolute value is less than cutoff.
See Also
loadings, print, princomp, factanal.
pc.freeny <- princomp(Sdatasets::freeny.x)

# Do not display matrix elements with an absolute value less than 0.5. print(loadings(pc.freeny), cutoff = 0.5)

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