Random Two-way Tables with Given Marginals


Generates random two-way matrices with given marginal totals.


r2dtable(n, r, c)


n a non-negative numeric value that specifies the number of matrices to generate. Numeric values are coerced to integer values.
r a non-negative vector, where the vector length is greater than 1, that specifies the row sum of each generated matrix. Values in the vector are coerced to integer values and then r is tested to make sure that the sum of r equals the sum of c.
c a non-negative vector, where the vector length is greater than 1, that specifies the column sum of each generated matrix. Values in the vector are coerced to integer values.
returns a list object with length n, the components of the list are generated n random matrices. The elements of the matrices are integers.
Each generated random matrix, where x is a generated random matrix, conforms to the following:
Patefield, W. M. 1981. Algorithm AS159. An efficient method of generating r x c tables with given row and column totals. Applied Statistics. Volume 30. 91-97.
r2dtable(5, c(4, 2, 3), c(5, 4))
r2dtable(5.6, c(4.4, 2, 3), c(5.2, 4.2)) # Same as above

r2dtable(5.6, c(5, 2, 3), c(1, 4)) # Error: arguments 'r' and 'c' must have the same sums

r2dtable(5.6, c(5), c(1, 4)) # Error: invalid argument 'r'

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