Summary of an nls Model Object


This is an S3 method for the function summary for objects inheriting from class nls.


summary.nls(object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE, ...)


object A fitted non-linear least-squares model inheriting from class nls.
correlation a logical flag, to specify if the correlation matrix of the estimated parameters will be returned and printed. This argument is not used at present.
symbolic.cor a logical flag, if TRUE, the function will print the correlations in a symbolic form rather than as numbers. This argument is not used at present.
returns a list of class summary.nls whose components call, convInfo, control, and na.action are copied from its object argument and whose other components are
formula the formula component from object.
residuals the weighted residuals.
sigma the square root of the estimated variance of the random error.
df the degrees of freedom.
cov.unscaled a matrix of unscaled covariances of the parameter estimates.
coefficients a matrix of four columns: estimated coefficient, standard error, t-statistic, and corresponding p-value.
parameters same as coefficients.
correlation if correlation is TRUE, and if there is a non-zero number of residual degrees of freedom, this component is added, to indicate the correlation matrix corresponding to the cov.unscaled,
symbolic.cor if correlation is TRUE, and if there is a non-zero number of residual degrees of freedom, this component is added with the value of the argument symbolic.cor.
message if object's component call has an algorithm of "port", this component is set with the value copied from object's corresponding component.
... additional arguments passed to or from other methods.
This is a method for the function summary() for objects inheriting from class nls. See summary or summary.default for the general behavior of this function and for the interpretation of object.
fit1 <- nls(circumference ~ A/(1 + exp(-(age-B)/C)), data = Orange,
            start = list(A=150, B=600, C=400))
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