Documentation Shortcuts


Provides you with information on functions, objects, classes, and other topics.




topic a name or a character string giving the name of a function, operator or any topic. It also can be a call like pkg::topic or pkg:::topic, then topic is searched in specified pkg package. This argument must be supplied.
type restrict the documentation to this special type by pasting -type to the end of topic before passing topic to help() (after removing the possible package name from topic). E.g., package means to look for overview of the package and class means to look for help on the class named topic. As a special case (and unlike R 3.0.2), package:topic is turned into help("topic-package", package="topic") so you can ask for the overview of a package before loading it.


? is a convenient shortcut to use help function with topic = topic and other default arguments.
If pkg:: or pkg::: is specified as prefix of topic, the help function with topic = topic, package = pkg and other default arguments is used as shortcut to find help document.
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. 1988. The New S Language: A Programming Environment for Data Analysis and Graphics. Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books and Software.
See Also
? provides an alternate interface to help; ?? does the same for
## Not run: 
?median             # help on the median function 
?Sdatasets::galaxy  # help on the galaxy in Sdatasets
? "+"               # addition (and other arithmetic) Note the need for quotes 
? "?"               # help on this document

## End(Not run)
Package utils version 6.1.4-13
Package Index