The Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Utils Package
Package description
$.personPerson Names and Contact Information
.S3methodsList Methods of an S3 or S4 Generic Function
?Documentation Shortcuts
??Search the Help System
[.getAnywhereSearch Packages, Namespaces, and S3 Methods
[.personPerson Names and Contact Information
[.romanDisplay Integers As Roman Numerals
aproposFind Objects by (Partial) Name
argsAnywhereSearch Packages, Namespaces, and S3 Methods
as.character.personPerson Names and Contact Information
as.character.romanDisplay Integers As Roman Numerals
as.personPerson Names and Contact Information
as.person.defaultPerson Names and Contact Information
as.personListPerson Names and Contact Information
as.personList.defaultPerson Names and Contact Information
as.personList.personPerson Names and Contact Information
as.romanDisplay Integers As Roman Numerals
askYesNoAsk a Yes/No Question
assignInMyNamespaceUtility functions for Developing Namespaces
assignInNamespaceUtility functions for Developing Namespaces
available.packagesList Available Packages at CRAN-like Repositories
BATCHBatch Execution of Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R
browseURLDisplays the contents of a URL in a Web Browser
browseVignettesList Vignettes in an HTML Browser
c.personPerson Names and Contact Information
capture.outputSend output to a character string or file
chooseCRANmirrorComprehensive R Archive Network
combnGenerate combinations of m elements out of x
compareVersionCompare Two Package Version Numbers
contrib.urlFind Appropriate Paths in CRAN-like Repositories
count.fieldsCount the Number of Fields per Line
dataData Sets
demoDemonstrations of Package Functionality
download.fileDownload a File from the Internet
download.packagesDownload Packages from a Repository
dump.framesSave All Frames on Errors
editText Editor
edit.defaultText Editor
emacsText Editor
exampleRun the Examples Section from the Online Help
file_testShell-style Tests on Files
findFind Packages that Contain an Object
format.personPerson Names and Contact Information
format.romanDisplay Integers As Roman Numerals
formatOLFormat Unordered and Ordered Lists for Printing
formatULFormat Unordered and Ordered Lists for Printing
getAnywhereSearch Packages, Namespaces, and S3 Methods
getCRANmirrorsComprehensive R Archive Network
getFromNamespaceUtility functions for Developing Namespaces
getParseDataGet Detailed Parse Information from Object
getParseTextGet Detailed Parse Information from Object
getS3methodGet An S3 Method
globalVariablesDeclarations Used in Checking a Package
headGet the First or Last Part of an Object
helpOnline Documentation
help.searchSearch the Help System
help.startHypertext Documentation
historyPrint History of Evaluated Expressions
install.packagesInstall Packages from CRAN-like Repositories
installed.packagesFind Installed Packages
isS3stdGenericIdentify S3 Generic Function
loadhistoryPrint History of Evaluated Expressions
localeToCharsetSelect a Suitable Encoding Name from a Locale Name
ls.strList the Objects and their Structures
lsf.strList the Objects and their Structures
maintainerRead a Package's DESCRIPTION File
memory.limitMemory Limit and Size
memory.sizeMemory Limit and Size
menuMenu Interaction Function
methodsList Methods of an S3 or S4 Generic Function
modifyListRecursively Modify Elements of a List
new.packagesCompare Installed Packages with CRAN-like Repositories
object.sizeInternal Size of an Object
old.packagesCompare Installed Packages with CRAN-like Repositories
package.skeletonCreate a Skeleton for a New Source Package
packageDateRead a Package's DESCRIPTION File
packageDescriptionRead a Package's DESCRIPTION File
packageVersionRead a Package's DESCRIPTION File
personPerson Names and Contact Information
personListPerson Names and Contact Information
picoText Editor
print.browseVignettesList Vignettes in an HTML Browser
print.getAnywhereSearch Packages, Namespaces, and S3 Methods
print.ls_strList the Objects and their Structures
print.packageDescriptionRead a Package's DESCRIPTION File
print.packageIQRData Sets
print.personPerson Names and Contact Information
print.romanDisplay Integers As Roman Numerals
print.sessionInfoCollect Information About the Current R Session
promptGenerate a Skeleton Documentation File for an Object
promptDataGenerate a Skeleton Documentation File for an Object
promptPackageMake a skeleton help file for a package
QuestionDocumentation Shortcuts
read.csvCreate a Data Frame by Reading a Table
read.csv2Create a Data Frame by Reading a Table
read.delimCreate a Data Frame by Reading a Table
read.delim2Create a Data Frame by Reading a Table
read.fwfRead Fixed Width Format Files
read.tableCreate a Data Frame by Reading a Table
remove.packagesRemove Installed Packages
romanDisplay Integers As Roman Numerals
savehistoryPrint History of Evaluated Expressions
select.listSelect Items from a List
sessionInfoCollect Information About the Current R Session
setInternet2Enable or Disable the Use of Internet Explorer Settings for Internet Access
setRepositoriesSelect Package Repositories
shortPathNameConvert File Name to DOS 8.3 Format
strCompactly Display the Structure of an Object
str.data.frameCompactly Display the Structure of an Object
str.defaultCompactly Display the Structure of an Object
strcaptureCapture Text Matched by Parts of Regular Expressions
strOptionsCompactly Display the Structure of an Object
suppressForeignCheckDeclarations Used in Checking a Package
tailGet the First or Last Part of an Object
tarCreate, Extract or List tar Archives
timestampPrint History of Evaluated Expressions
toBibtex.personPerson Names and Contact Information
toLatex.sessionInfoCollect Information About the Current R Session
untarCreate, Extract or List tar Archives
unzipCreate, Extract, or List zip Archives
update.packagesCompare Installed Packages with CRAN-like Repositories
URLdecodeEncode or Decode a (partial) URL
URLencodeEncode or Decode a (partial) URL
viText Editor
warnErrListSummarize and Replace Errors in Loops over tryCatch()
write.csvWrite Matrix of Data to a File
write.csv2Write Matrix of Data to a File
write.tableWrite Matrix of Data to a File
xeditText Editor
xemacsText Editor
zipCreate, Extract, or List zip Archives
Package utils version 6.1.4-13
Available Packages