Find Objects by (Partial) Name


Returns a vector of object names that (partially) match the specified name.


apropos(what, where = FALSE, ignore.case = TRUE, mode = "any")


what the name of an object or a regular expression.

what can be either a name or a character string; however, we recommend a character string for compatibility.

where a logical value. If TRUE, the names of the returned vector has the position of the package (in search()) that contains the object. The default is FALSE.
ignore.case a logical value. If TRUE (the default), uppercase and lowercase characters are considered equivalent when matching.
mode a character string. If it is not the default ("any"), only objects whose mode is mode are considered.
returns a character vector consisting of object names in sorted order. If where is TRUE, the names of the vector has the position of the package (in search()) that contains the object.
Differences between Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and Open-source R
In open-source R, what must be a character vector.
See Also
find, search, ls, grep
apropos("^x", ignore.case = TRUE, mode = "any", where = TRUE)

apropos("^x", ignore.case = TRUE, mode = "any")

apropos("^s", ignore.case = FALSE, mode = "list")

apropos(".data.frame$") # Compare the result as: methods(class = "data.frame")

Package utils version 6.1.4-13
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