Find Appropriate Paths in CRAN-like Repositories


Adds the appropriate path to each URL in repos.


contrib.url(repos, type = getOption("pkgType"))


repos a character vector contains the base URL of the repositories. If it is 'NULL', to install from local files.
type a character vector to indicate the type of package to download an install. The possible values can be "source", "mac.binary", "mac.binary.leopard", "win.binary" and "win64.binary".


According to the type, the returned value is set to different path with R's current version number. If the string "@CRAN" exists in repos and interactive mode is TRUE, in GUI version, a dialog will appear to let user select a CRAN mirror. Please refer to the example to see how this works.
If repos is NULL, it returns NULL. Otherwise, a character vector with the same lenght of repos will be returned.
See Also
available.packages, download.packages, install.packages
contrib.url("", type="source")

## Not run: contrib.url("@CRAN@","source") # you will be asked to choose from a list of CRAN mirrors

Package utils version 6.1.4-13
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