Utility functions for Developing Namespaces


Gets an object from a namespace, assigns the value of an object to a namespace, or changes the value of an object in a namespace.


assignInNamespace(x, value, ns, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos))
assignInMyNamespace(x, value) 
getFromNamespace(x, ns, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos))


x a character string giving the name of the object. Must be non-empty string.
value the value to be assigned to the object x.
ns a character string giving the name of a namespace, or a namespace environment.
pos an integer, a character string, or an environment specifying in which environment to find the object.
envir an environment object. An alternative way to specify in which environment to find the object. The default value is specified by pos.
... other optional arguments passed to edit function.


getFromNamespace is used to get an unexported object from a namespace. It is more like the ::: operator but the namespace can be specified in more ways.
assignInNamespace is used to assign a new value to an unexported object from a namespace. assignInMyNamespace is called inside of a package, therefore the namespace of calling function is used as environment to assign new value to the object.
getFromNamespacereturns the value of the found object.
assignInNamespacereturns NULL.
assignInMyNamespacereturns NULL.
See Also
get, assign, edit
getFromNamespace("print.hclust", ns = "stats")
getFromNamespace("print.hclust", pos = "package:stats")
Package utils version 6.1.4-13
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