Find Installed Packages


Retrieves the installed packages information.


installed.packages(lib.loc = NULL, priority = NULL, noCache = FALSE, fields = NULL, 
    subarch = .Platform$r_arch) 


lib.loc a character vector containing the names of library directories. If lib.loc is NULL, .libPaths() is used.
priority a character vector specifying the filter priorities. If an installed package's priority is not in this filter list, this package's information is not included in result matrix. By default, NULL means all packages' information for any priority (even NAs) are included in resulting matrix. Current supported priorities are
  • "recommended"
  • "base"
  • "high" (which is the union of "recommended" and "base")
noCache This argument is ignored.
fields a character vector specifying the additional package fields to be included in the result. By default, NULL means only standard package fields are included.
subarch a character vector specifying the sub architecture of platform OS. The packages' information where the "Archs" field is NA, or is listed in subarch, is included in the resulting matrix.


At a minimum, the following package fields are contained in resulting matrix: "Package", "LibPath","Version", "Priority","Depends","Imports","LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances", "OS_type", "License" and "Built". The fields specified by fields are also appended as the last column.
The final package information is filtered by priority and subarch.
returns a character matrix containing the installed package information. Each row corresponds to a package: the first column corresponds to the package name; the second column corresponds to the library path; the remaining columns correspond to other fields, as described in the DETAILS section.
The row names of the matrix are the selected package names. The column names of the matrix are field names, except for the second column (because "LibPath" is not a package field).
See Also

Package utils version 6.1.4-13
Package Index