Select Items from a List


Presents a list from which the user selects items.


select.list(choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE, title = NULL, 
    graphics = getOption("")) 


choices a character vector giving the list choices to present to the user.
preselect a character string. Usually one string of choices, to be preselected in a list.
multiple a logical flag. If TRUE, the list supports selecting multiple items. The default is FALSE.
title NULL or a character string. Specifies the title of the list. The length of the string must be 1.
graphics This argument is ignored.


The function must be used only in interactive mode. It presents a list of character strings to the user, and then waits for the user to select one or more of the choices.
returns the items selected from the list. If the user selects nothing, returns "".
See Also
interactive, menu.
## Not run: 
select.list(c("Complete","Partial","None"), preselect = "Partial", title = "Solution")
select.list(c("Basic", "Advanced"), multiple=TRUE, title="Results Desired")

## End(Not run)
Package utils version 6.1.4-13
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