Summarize and Replace Errors in Loops over tryCatch()


Given the result of lapply(x, function(x)tryCatch(analyze(x), error=function(e)e)), replaces all the error entries with a value. If errors occur, tabulates the error messages and warns the user.


warnErrList(x, warn = TRUE, errValue = NULL)


x a list. Usually this list is the result of a function such as lapply. Entries of class "error", generally made by a call to tryCatch(..., error=function(e)e), are dealt with by this function.
warn a logical value.
  • If TRUE, and if there are any error entries in x, then warn the user, showing a tabulation of the error messages.
  • If FALSE, do not emit a warning.
In either case, if there are error entries, then warnErrList attaches the attribute "warningMsg" containing the warning that could have been emitted.
errValue a value with which to replace all of the components of x of class "error".
This function can be helpful for running simulations were some input values cause errors.
See Also
d <- data.frame(X=log(1:6), Y=1:6)
fits <- lapply(c(0,0,1,4,5,6),
   function(nrows) tryCatch(coef(lm(data=d[seq_len(nrows),], Y ~ X, singular.ok=FALSE)),
simplify2array(warnErrList(fits, errValue=c(NA_real_, NA_real_)))
Package utils version 6.1.4-13
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