Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Categorical Data

These are the available functions for manipulating categorical data. See each function's help topic in the TERR Language Reference for more information.

Function name Title description
.bincode Create Factor Object from Numeric Vector
aggregate Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data Compute Column-by-Column Summaries of Groups of Observations
aggregate.default Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
aggregate.formula Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
aggregate.ts Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data Flat Contingency Tables
as.factor Create Factor Object
as.ordered Create an Ordered factor Object
as.table.ftable Flat Contingency Tables
asplit Split Array into List of Subarrays
by Split a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts Split a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts
by.default Split a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts
cut Create Factor Object from Numeric Vector
cut.default Create Factor Object from Numeric Vector
factor Create Factor Object
format.ftable Flat Contingency Tables
ftable Flat Contingency Tables
ftable.default Flat Contingency Tables
ftable.formula Flat Contingency Tables
gl Generate Patterned Factor
is.factor Create Factor Object
is.ordered Create an Ordered factor Object
Math.factor Math Group Method for Factor Objects
nlevels Number of Levels of a factor Object Ops Group Method for Data Frame Objects
Ops.factor Operations for Factors and Ordered Factors
Ops.ordered Operations for Factors and Ordered Factors
ordered Create an Ordered factor Object
print.ftable Flat Contingency Tables
print.summary.table Summary of a table Object
rapply Apply a Function Recursively
rowsum Group Row Sums of a Matrix
rowsum.default Group Row Sums of a Matrix
split Split Data by Groups Split Data by Groups
split.Date Split Data by Groups
split.default Split Data by Groups
split.POSIXct Split Data by Groups
split<- Split Data by Groups
split< Split Data by Groups
split<-.default Split Data by Groups
summary.table Summary of a table Object
tabulate Count Entries in Bins
tapply Apply a Function to a Ragged Array
unsplit Split Data by Groups
valid.factor Create Factor Object
xtabs Cross Tabulation