Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Manage Heap Size

TERR does not have built-in memory allocation size limits, except those imposed by the operating system (for example, the 2 gigabyte limit on 32-bit Windows). However, to prevent possible negative effects on the performance of other running applications, it is possible to set a limit on the total memory allocation by calling the memory.limit function.

The initial value of the memory.limit function is zero (meaning no limit), and it can be set to an integer for the number of megabytes. This limit might keep attempts at simultaneous large memory allocations (for example, those of large matrices) from succeeding.

The following example demonstrates increasing the total allocation limit to 2 gigabytes after hitting a 1 gigabyte limit with two large object allocations.

Note: Each call to memory-limit returns the previous value of the limit.
memory.limit(1024) #set limit to 1GB
[1] 0
m <- 10000
n <- 10000
A <- matrix (runif (m*n),m,n) 
# ~760 MegaByte - success
B <- matrix (runif (m*n),m,n)   
# ~760 MegaByte more - failure due to initial 1GB limit
Error: out of memory
memory.limit(2*1024) # increase the limit to 2 GB
[1] 1024
[1] 2048
B <- matrix (runif (m*n),m,n) 
# ~760 MegaByte more - success after the limit increase