Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Matrices and Arrays

These are the available functions for matrices and arrays. See each function's help topic in the TERR Language Reference for more information.

Function name Title description
[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.data.frame Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.data.frame Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[<- Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[< Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[<- Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[< Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[<-.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
%*% Matrix Multiplication
%c% Matrix Cross Product
%x% Generalized Kronecker Products
$ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
$<- Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
.col Column and Row Identification in a Matrix
.row Column and Row Identification in a Matrix
aggregate Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data Compute Column-by-Column Summaries of Groups of Observations
aggregate.default Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
aggregate.formula Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
aggregate.ts Compute Summary Statistics of Subsets of Data
aperm Array Permutations
aperm.default Array Permutations
aperm.table Array Permutations
apply Apply a Function to Sections of an Array
array Multi-Way Arrays
as.array Multi-Way Arrays
as.array.default Multi-Way Arrays
as.matrix Matrix Objects Matrix Objects
as.matrix.default Matrix Objects
as.matrix.noquote Matrix Objects
as.matrix.POSIXlt Matrix Objects
backsolve Backsolve Upper or Lower Triangular Equations
by Split a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts Split a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts
by.default Split a Data Frame and Apply a Function to the Parts
cbind Building a Matrix from Columns or Rows
chol Choleski Decomposition of Symmetric Matrix
chol.default Choleski Decomposition of Symmetric Matrix
chol2inv Invert a Matrix Given its Choleski Decomposition
col Column and Row Identification in a Matrix
colMeans Row and Column Summaries
colnames Column and Row Names
colnames<- Column and Row Names
colSums Row and Column Summaries
cor Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
cov Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
cov2cor Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
crossprod Matrix Cross Product
data.matrix Coerce Data Frame to Numeric Matrix
diag Diagonal Matrices
dim Dim Attribute of an Object
dim<- Dim Attribute of an Object
dimnames Dimnames Attribute of an Object Dimnames Attribute of an Object
drop Drop Length One Dimensions of an Array
eigen Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix
eigen.default Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix
Extract Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
is.array Multi-Way Arrays
is.matrix Matrix Objects
isSymmetric Test if an Object is Symmetric
isSymmetric.matrix Test if an Object is Symmetric
kronecker Generalized Kronecker Products
La.svd Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
lower.tri Logical Matrix of the Lower or Upper Triangle
margin.table Compute Table Margin
mat.or.vec Create a Matrix or a Vector
matmult Matrix Multiplication
matrix Matrix Objects
merge Merge Two Datasets and Match Columns Merge Two Datasets and Match Columns
merge.default Merge Two Datasets and Match Columns
ncol Get the Number of Rows or Columns of an Array or Matrix
NCOL Get the Number of Rows or Columns of an Array or Matrix
nrow Get the Number of Rows or Columns of an Array or Matrix
NROW Get the Number of Rows or Columns of an Array or Matrix
prop.table Express Table Entries as Fraction of Marginal Table
rapply Apply a Function Recursively
rbind Building a Matrix from Columns or Rows
row Column and Row Identification in a Matrix
rowMeans Row and Column Summaries
rownames Column and Row Names
rownames<- Column and Row Names
rowSums Row and Column Summaries
scale Scale Columns of a Matrix
scale.default Scale Columns of a Matrix
solve Solve Linear Equations and Invert Matrices
solve.default Solve Linear Equations and Invert Matrices
solve.qr Solve Linear Equations and Invert Matrices
Subscript Extract or Replace Parts of an Object Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
Subscript.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
svd Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
sweep Sweep Out Array Summaries
t Transpose a Matrix
t.default Transpose a Matrix
tapply Apply a Function to a Ragged Array
tcrossprod Matrix Cross Product
upper.tri Logical Matrix of the Lower or Upper Triangle
var Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)