Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Methods and Generic Functions

These are the available methods and generic functions. See each function's help topic in the TERR Language Reference for more information.

Function name Title description
! Logical Operators
[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.data.frame Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.data.frame Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[<- Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[< Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[<- Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[< Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[<-.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
& Logical Operators
| Logical Operators
~ Model Formula Objects
$ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
$<- Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
anova.glm Analysis of Deviance for Generalized Linear Model Fits
anova.glmlist Analysis of Deviance for Generalized Linear Model Fits
anova.lm Anova Table for Linear Model Objects
anova.lmlist Apply anova to a lmlist Object
as Generic Coercion Function Construct a Data Frame Object
as.formula Define or Extract a Model Formula
data.frame Construct a Data Frame Object
deviance Deviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.default Deviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.glm Deviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.lm Deviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.mlm Deviance of a Fitted Model
deviance.nls Deviance of a Fitted Model
DF2formula Define or Extract a Model Formula
el Extract or Replace Part of an Object
el<- Extract or Replace Part of an Object
expand.model.frame Add New Variables to a Model Frame
Extract Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
family.object Family of GLM Models
formula Define or Extract a Model Formula Define or Extract a Model Formula
formula.character Define or Extract a Model Formula Define or Extract a Model Formula
formula.default Define or Extract a Model Formula
formula.formula Define or Extract a Model Formula
formula.lm Define or Extract a Model Formula
formula.nls Define or Extract a Model Formula
formula.object Model Formula Objects
formula.terms Define or Extract a Model Formula
get_all_vars Construct or Extract a Model Frame
getS3method Get An S3 Method
glm.object Generalized Linear Model Object
hasArg Check for Argument Names Construct a Data Frame Object
is.object Test if an Object has a Class Attribute
isS3stdGeneric Identify S3 Generic Function
lm.object Linear Least Squares Model Object
loess.object Loess Model Object
Logic Logical Operators
methods List Methods of Old-Style (SV3) Generic Functions
mlm.object Linear Least Squares Model Object
model.frame Construct or Extract a Model Frame
model.frame.aovlist Construct or Extract a Model Frame
model.frame.default Construct or Extract a Model Frame
model.frame.lm Construct or Extract a Model Frame
na.action Handle Missing Values in Objects
na.action.default Handle Missing Values in Objects
na.exclude Handle Missing Values in Objects Handle Missing Values in Objects
na.exclude.default Handle Missing Values in Objects Handle Missing Values in Objects Handle Missing Values in Objects
na.omit Handle Missing Values in Objects Handle Missing Values in Objects
na.omit.default Handle Missing Values in Objects
na.pass Handle Missing Values in Objects
NextMethod Methods Invoked from Functions
noquote Remove Quotation Marks from a String
predict.glm Predict Method for a Generalized Linear Model
predict.lm Predict Method for a Linear Model
predict.mlm Predict Method for a Linear Model
print.anova Print an anova Object Use print() on a family Object
print.formula Use print() on a formula Object
print.lm Use print() on an lm Object
print.summary.table Summary of a table Object
registerS3method Register S3 methods
registerS3methods Register S3 methods
removeGeneric Remove all the Methods for a Function
removeMethod Remove all the Methods for a Function
removeMethods Remove all the Methods for a Function
residuals.glm Compute Residuals for glm Objects Use rowsum() on a data frame object
setAs Generic Coercion Function
Subscript Extract or Replace Parts of an Object Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
Subscript.factor Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
summary Summarize an Object - Generic Function
Summary Summary Group Generic Function and Group Method Summary of a Data Frame Object Summary Group Generic Function and Group Method
summary.Date Summarize an Object - Generic Function
summary.factor Use summary() on a factor Object
Summary.factor Summary Group Generic Function and Group Method
summary.matrix Summary of a Data Frame Object
summary.nls Summary of an nls Model Object
summary.POSIXct Summarize an Object - Generic Function
summary.POSIXlt Summarize an Object - Generic Function
summary.table Summary of a table Object
terms.object Class of Objects for Terms in a Model
UseMethod Methods Invoked from Functions
xor Logical Operators