Executing Docsplitter
Command Line - Parameters
DocSplitter.exe is a standalone executable in the Bin directory of Instream. From the command line, it has the following case-sensitive parameters. Use quotation marks around paths or filenames that contain spaces.
Parameters |
-d |
data file - path and filename of the corresponding data file. Required. |
-i |
input file - path and filename of an Instream validation detail results file. Required. |
-oi |
output invalid file - desired path and filename for the Docsplitter invalid EDI output. Directory must already exist. Required. |
-ov |
output valid file - desired path and filename for the Docsplitter valid EDI output. Directory must already exist. Required. |
-r |
report file - desired path and filename for the Docsplitter report file. Directory must already exist. Either -cd or -r is required. |
-b |
debug. Requests debugging information go to the specified file. Also requires DebugOutputToFile=1 in the setup file (see page DebugOutputToFile=n). Example: Docsplitter –b c:\logs\Rgdebug.log |
-cv |
contents of report: -cv Valid data -ci Invalid data -cb Both. Default -cd Disable. Do not create a report. |
-fxp |
format for Docsplitter output report: -fxp XML (schema is DocSplitterReportPlus.xsd in Instream’s Scripts and Output directories) -fd delimited by asterisks -fx old xml format that is no longer being updated (schema is DocSplitterReport.xsd in Instream’s Scripts and Output directories) The XML report slows performance more than the delimited report. If omitted, no report is written. |
-j |
Archiver extraction file. Example: -j"C:\Foresight\Instream\Bin\ArchiveExtract.txt" This is only used by TI customers when they are retrieving archived files. Please see TIB_fsp_archive_<n.n>_archiveadmin.pdf. |
-l |
log level for Docsplitter report file: 0 debug 1 no debug. Default. |
-s |
setup file for Docsplitter (For details, refer Setup File.). Example:
-TPA |
Use trading partner automation to select a Docsplitter setup file. See TIB_fsp-instream_<n.n>_tpa.pdf. Example:
-version |
Displays Docsplitter’s version (see Version Information below). |
Parameters used when splitting with a 997 (see page Appendix C: Docsplitter Return Codes) |
-e997 |
Error file; path and filename of a 997 or 999 (use -e997 for either) |
-g |
Guideline name without “.STD”. |
Parameters used when splitting and swapping (see page Displaying Tree Information during Splitting) |
-ai |
Specifies the invalid swap audit file. Do not use wildcards in the filename. If there are multiple invalid output files, this will report swapping in all of them. If -wi or -wb is not used, this is ignored. |
-av |
Specifies the valid swap audit file. Do not use wildcards in the filename. If there are multiple valid output files, this will report swapping in all of them. If -wv or -wb is not used, this is ignored. |
-wb |
Swap data in both valid and invalid output file(s) according to the rules in the validation guideline. |
-wi |
Swap data in invalid output file(s) according to the rules in the validation guideline. |
-wv |
Swap data in valid output file(s) according to the rules in the validation guideline. |
-z |
Identifies a Dataswapper INI file. |
Version information
The -version parameter displays the Docsplitter version, as in this example:
"C:\Foresight\Instream\Bin\DocSplitter.exe" -version
To see the version and a list of command-line parameters, run Docsplitter without any parameters:
Execute the Version file in the Scripts directory to see versions for all Instream programs.