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TIBCO.FTL.IMessageFieldRef Interface Reference

Field references enable efficiency gains when accessing message fields. More...

Inheritance diagram for TIBCO.FTL.IMessageFieldRef:


string FieldName [get]
 Get the field name from a field reference object. More...

Detailed Description

Field references enable efficiency gains when accessing message fields.

The Message API provides two versions of each message field accessor method – one accepts a field name, while the other accepts a field reference object. Access by field reference is more efficient than access by name alone.

Field reference objects contain a field name, along with internal information that enables efficient access.

Programs can repeatedly use a field reference object to efficiently access a field – even across messages of different formats.

For example, if formats A and B both have a field named foo, then a field reference object with field name foo accesses the correct field in messages of either format.

Field reference objects are thread-safe. (However, getting the System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current property of MessageEnumerator returns a field reference that is an exception to this rule; it is not thread-safe.)

To create a field reference object, call IRealm.CreateMessageFieldRef

You must dispose each field reference object. The IDisposable.Dispose method frees all resources associated with the field reference.

Customers do not implement this interface.

Property Documentation

string TIBCO.FTL.IMessageFieldRef.FieldName

Get the field name from a field reference object.