File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*advisory.hAsynchronous advisory messages carry information about the operation of FTL. Programs can receive this information through subscribers on the advisory endpoint
o*conmatch.hContent matchers filter messages based on their content
o*except.hExceptions capture error information during FTL calls
o*fldref.hField references enable efficiency gains when accessing message fields
o*ftl.hStart and stop FTL
Log levels
o*group.hThe group facility can coordinate fault-tolerant operation, or distribute operating roles among application process instances
o*inbox.hInbox objects address inbox subscribers
o*logstream.hThis file defines constants related to LogStream data messages, their field names, and their field values
o*map.hPrograms can use maps to store key/value pairs in a persistence store
o*mapiter.hMap iterators iterate over the key/value pairs in a map
o*monitor.hThis file defines constants related to monitoring data messages, their field names, and their field values
o*msg.hMessage objects contain fields with values
o*props.hProperties objects represent a set of configuration properties (name/value pairs)
o*pub.hPublisher objects send messages
o*queue.hEvent queue objects hold message and timer events until callbacks can process them
o*realm.hRealm objects contain definitions of message formats, endpoints and transport maps
o*sub.hSubscribers express interest to receive inbound messages
o*tiblock.hCooperating application programs can use locks to implement exclusive access to a map within a persistence store
\*types.hFTL datatype definitions