Message Volume Alert

The Message Volume-based alert allows alerting when message volume falls below, or is above, preset messages-per-second thresholds. The alert applies to all devices.

The Message Volume-based alert also supports Zero Message Alert by using the TimeSpan parameter. The time granularity of Zero Message Alert is in minutes, so the TimeSpan has to be 60 seconds or greater. When TimeSpan is present, you do not have to provide FewerThan and MoreThan parameters as they will be ignored.

Request Parameters

FewerThan, MoreThan



Table 5 lists the Message Volume Alert-specific parameters. You must include the parameters as inputs for the alertRules parameter.

Message Volume Alert-specific parameter
Parameter Description Values Required Type
FewerThan Minimum message rate (messages per second) that can be reached before an alert is generated.

The FewerThan and MoreThan parameters make up the alert range.

Any positive integer. The value is in messages per second. yes string
MoreThan Maximum message rate (messages per second) that can be reached before an alert is generated.

The FewerThan and MoreThan parameters make up the alert range.

Any positive integer. The value is in messages per second. yes string
TimeSpan Period of time that the message rate remains to at zero. The value is in seconds. yes for zero message alert. int