Configuring Advanced Features

As an administrator, you can configure Advanced Feature settings that are not available from the GUI or to users without administrator access rights.

To configure such settings, perform the following procedure.
Caution: You must be careful when changing the configuration parameters. Deleting a parameter might cause the corresponding features to stop working or not work as expected.


  1. In the /loglogic/bin folder, create your own temporary configuration file.
  2. Copy all existing configuration parameters into your file, and then change the values of the required parameters. Add new parameters, if required.
  3. Run the following command in the /loglogic/bin folder:
    ./llconf -f <filename>.conf --verbose
    where <filename> is the name of your temporary configuration file.


After you run the command, all parameters from your file are overwritten in the configuration settings of the appliance.


For the configuration settings and sample configuration files of Advanced Features, see the following sections: