updateAlert Operation

With updateAlert operation you can update existing alerts in the TIBCO LogLogic Appliance.

When using updateAlert, you must specify:

Request Parameters

authToken, alertTypeName, desc, priorityName, enabled, deviceNames, usernames, trapIds, resetTime, trackIndividualDevice, alertRules, snmpOId, changeNameTo


alertResponse (see alertResponse Type)

Note: The Alert-Specific Request parameters specified in the alertRules parameter are also returned. The response depends on the alert type used.


To update a VPN Connection Alert named MyAlertName to be named NewAlertName with the priority set at high:

updateAlert authstr "VPN Connection Alert" "MyAlertName" "VPN Connection Alert Description" "low" "" "admin" " " "400" "yes" "VPNUser/LogLogicUser//VPNGroup/LogLogicGroup//disconnectReason/is denied access” “NewAlertName”