createAlertRemote Operation

The createAlertRemote operation is used to create new alert rules on a managed TIBCO LogLogic® Appliance from a Management Station.

When using createAlertRemote, you must specify:

Request Parameters

authToken, applianceIP, alertTypeName, desc, priorityName, enabled, deviceNames, usernames, trapIds, resetTime, trackIndividualDevice, alertRules, snmpOId

For more information on each Common Request Parameter, see Common Request Parameters.


alertResponse (see alertResponse Type)

Note: The Alert-Specific Request parameters specified in the alertRules parameter are also returned. The response depends on the alert type used.


To create a VPN Connection Alert named MyAlertName on remote Appliance

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:aler="AlertService">
         <aler:alertTypeName>VPN Connection Alert</aler:alertTypeName>
         <aler:desc>VPN Connection Alert Description</aler:desc>
         <aler:alertRules>VPNUser/LogLogicUser//VPNGroup/LogLogicGroup//disconnectReason/is denied access</aler:alertRules>