Get Report Request Parameters

The getReport operation common request parameters are:

Parameter Description Values Required Type
authToken Unique authentication token.   Yes String
applianceIp The Appliance from which you retrieve the report.

If the value is blank, it retrieves the Appliance IP address from the local Appliance.

This parameter is applicable for Management Station Appliances only.

IP address of a managed Appliance or All for retrieving an aggregated report from all managed Appliances. To specify an IP address, use the standard IP address format. For example:

No String
reportType Type of report. Possible values:

1—reportName is a Real-Time report template

3—reportName is a name of the custom report

4—Report is a detail report and the detail report token is specified in the filters

Yes String
reportName Name of the report template or custom report.

The Get Template Report List Operation and Get Custom Report List Operation operations can be used to retrieve the available template report and custom report names, respectively.

For index search: SearchExpressionHits Yes String
sourceDeviceName The name of the device, device group, or IP address to use in the report query. Possible values:

“ALL”, “ALL Cisco PIX”, or “”

The default is “All” for all devices; except, for custom reports, the default is the device list stored in the custom report.

Yes, except for custom reports String
timeRange A Pre-defined time range specification, or an indication to use the time range specified by the fromTime and toTime parameters.

If SpecificTime is specified, values for fromTime and toTime must be specified.

Note: If you are not using the logapp wsclient.jar, you must specify the Pre-defined and SpecificTime. You cannot specify NULL value. However, you can specify the current time.

Possible values:

Pre-defined —Last 1 Hour, Last 2 Hours, Last “n” Hours, Yesterday, Today

Specific time—

The default is “Last 1 Hour”

No Date
fromTime Start time for the time range of the report query.

This parameter is required only if the value for timeRange is a SpecificTime.

See Date/Time Formats for getReport No Date
toTime End time for the time range of the report query.

This parameter is required only if the value for timeRange is a SpecificTime.

See Date/Time Formats for getReport No Date
filters List of expressions applied to the query to receive records passing the filter criteria.

For example, for the activeConnections report template, the filter “/direction/=/INBOUND/“ retrieves only inbound connection records.

This is similar functionality as using a “where” clause in SQL.

See the Advanced Options section for the report you specified using the reportName parameter.

For examples of using filters for Index Search or Index Report, see Specifying Filters for Index Searches.

For examples of using filters for Detail Report, see Specifying Filters for Detail Report.

Values must use the format:


No Array of String
startRow Report query result row to use as the first row of the report result set.

Use the startRow and numberOfRowsToRetrieve to retrieve a specific range of records.

The first row of the query result is zero (0).

A numeric value. Yes Number
Retrieve Maximum number of rows to return in the report result set.

Use the startRow and numberOfRowsToRetrieve a specific range of records.

A numeric value. Yes Number
sortColumn Column in the generated report to sort on, and the direction of the sort (up or down). Values must use the format:


where direction is up or down

No String