Specifying Filters for Index Searches

The following are examples of how to use the getReport filters parameter to specify search filters for Index Search or Index Report queries.

Index Search

There are two ways to specify search filters with Index Search:

  • Specify a pre-defined search filter that contains a Boolean search expression:


  • Specify a Boolean expression:


    For example, in the user interface for Index Search, you might specify “admin AND login” for the search terms. To specify the query using the Web Services API, add a filter with the string: 
/fullTextSrchCriteria/=/admin AND login/

    The Boolean expression is case-insensitive.

Index Report

Using Index Report you can specify multiple pre-defined Boolean search filters:

/filter_selection/=/search-filter_name1, search-filter_name2, ../

Specifying Filters for Detail Report

When the target report is a summary report, an extra column, LLDetailTokenRef will be returned in the response. You can use this value to retrieve the detail report of a specified row that you want to drilldown. To do so, set the report type to 4 and provide the detail token in the filters parameter. The values in reportName and sourceDeviceName parameters are ignored in this report type. The following are examples of how to use the getReport filters parameter to specify filter for Detail Report queries:

/LLDetailTokenRef/=/Token value from previous getReport operation/